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There are 182 entries for the theme Praise / Anthe / Doxology / Lauds / Laudamus in the database.
Theme | Composer | Titel | Remarks | Praise / Anthe / Doxology / Lauds / Laudamus | Alaleona, Domenico | "4 Laudi italiane" f Kl Orch op 38 nach 1910 | Praise / Anthe / Doxology / Lauds / Laudamus | Bach, Jan | "Laudes" f BlechBl | Praise / Anthe / Doxology / Lauds / Laudamus | Bach, Joh Seb | "Sei Lob und Ehre dem höchsten Gut" - Kant BWV 117 | Praise / Anthe / Doxology / Lauds / Laudamus | Balassa, Sándor | "Praise of Knightly Virtues" f Orch op 100 20' | Praise / Anthe / Doxology / Lauds / Laudamus | Bernath, Lubos | "Parla Laude" f Ch u KOrch | Praise / Anthe / Doxology / Lauds / Laudamus | Bialas, Günter | "Preisungen" (Buber) f Bar u Orch 1964 31'; dss f Bar u Orgel 20' | Praise / Anthe / Doxology / Lauds / Laudamus | Biebl, Franz | "4 Laudes" f Ch | Praise / Anthe / Doxology / Lauds / Laudamus | Borris, Siegfried | "Lauda" f Fl u Orgel op 110,2 | Praise / Anthe / Doxology / Lauds / Laudamus | Borris, Siegfried | "Te Deum-Lauda" f Ob u Orgel op 110 | Praise / Anthe / Doxology / Lauds / Laudamus | Bossi, Renzo | "Laude in 4 tempi concatenati" f StrQu, Orgel u Pk ad lib op 16 1921 20' | Praise / Anthe / Doxology / Lauds / Laudamus | Brass, Nikolaus | "Morgenlob" f StrTrio 1981/3 18' | Praise / Anthe / Doxology / Lauds / Laudamus | Bryars, Gavin | "Lauda (Consordino)" f Vc u Kl (evtl. elektr Git) 2002 | Praise / Anthe / Doxology / Lauds / Laudamus | Bryars, Gavin | "Lauda" Nr 5 f 11 S UA 2004 | Praise / Anthe / Doxology / Lauds / Laudamus | Bryars, Gavin | "Lauda" Nr 24 f 11 S 2004 4' | Praise / Anthe / Doxology / Lauds / Laudamus | Costa, Eduardo | "Elogio del horizonte" f Klar, Fag, Kl | Praise / Anthe / Doxology / Lauds / Laudamus | David, Karl Heinrich | "Lobgesang" (Spervogel) f Ch 1946 | Praise / Anthe / Doxology / Lauds / Laudamus | Dean, Brett | "Huntington Eulogy" f Vc u Kl 2001 15' | Praise / Anthe / Doxology / Lauds / Laudamus | Dong-Jin bae | "...der Lobgesänge gibt in der Nacht..." f Ens UA 2005 | Praise / Anthe / Doxology / Lauds / Laudamus | Donizetti, G | "Laudamus" f G u kl Orch F 1820; dss f 4 St.n u kl Orch A 1820 ;dss f T, Klar, Orch F | Praise / Anthe / Doxology / Lauds / Laudamus | Doss, Thomas | "Laudate" f BlOrch UA 2001 | Praise / Anthe / Doxology / Lauds / Laudamus | Driessler, Johannes | "Der große Lobgesang" (Psalm 45) f MS, Ch, Bl op 45 1959 | Praise / Anthe / Doxology / Lauds / Laudamus | Driessler, Johannes | Sinf Nr 2 f Orch "Dum ludo laudo" op 60 1966 | Praise / Anthe / Doxology / Lauds / Laudamus | Durey, Louis | "Eloge" (Léger) f VokQu u KOrch/Ch u Orch op 8 1917 | Praise / Anthe / Doxology / Lauds / Laudamus | Durkó, Zsolt | "Laude" f Orgel 1987 | Praise / Anthe / Doxology / Lauds / Laudamus | Dyson, George | "Three Songs of Praise" f 4 Soli, Ch, Orch | Praise / Anthe / Doxology / Lauds / Laudamus | Eben, Petr | "Laudes" f Orgel 1966 | Praise / Anthe / Doxology / Lauds / Laudamus | Eespere, René | "Glorieta" f Soli, MCh, Orch | Praise / Anthe / Doxology / Lauds / Laudamus | Einem, Gottfried v | "Laudes Eisgarnensis" - 2 Sätze f 4 Hörner op 58 1980 | Praise / Anthe / Doxology / Lauds / Laudamus | Escaich, Thierry | "Ad ultimas laudes" f 12 St | Praise / Anthe / Doxology / Lauds / Laudamus | Falcón Sanabrio, Juan José | "Psalmus Laudis" f Ch, 4 Pos, Pk 9' | Praise / Anthe / Doxology / Lauds / Laudamus | Faltin, Friedrich Richard | "Der Hilarianische Lobgesang" f Ch 1889 | Praise / Anthe / Doxology / Lauds / Laudamus | Farkas, Ferenc | "Laudation Szigetiana" - Orat (Vargha) f Spr, 6 Soli, Ch, KiCh, Orch 1966 | Praise / Anthe / Doxology / Lauds / Laudamus | Farkas, Ferenc | "Panegyricus" - Bühnensspiel (Pannonius / de Medici, Gyárfás) 1971/2 | Praise / Anthe / Doxology / Lauds / Laudamus | Feld, Jindrich | "Laus Cantus" f S u StrQu 12' | Praise / Anthe / Doxology / Lauds / Laudamus | Finzi, Gerald | "Let us now praise famous men" - Chorlied (Ecclesiasticus) f T/S, B/A, Kl u Str ad lib op 35 1951 | Praise / Anthe / Doxology / Lauds / Laudamus | Florentz, Jean-Louis | "Laudes" – 7 Stücke f Orgel op 5 1983/5 25' | Praise / Anthe / Doxology / Lauds / Laudamus | Freddi, Amadio | "Divinae Laudes" f VokEns, 2. Buch 1622 | Praise / Anthe / Doxology / Lauds / Laudamus | Frey, Jürg | "Louange de l'eau, louange de la lumière" f Orch UA 2011 10' | Praise / Anthe / Doxology / Lauds / Laudamus | Fryklöf, Harald | "Lobgesang" f Ch | Praise / Anthe / Doxology / Lauds / Laudamus | Gárdonyi, Zoltán | "Lobgesang" f Ch u Orgel | Praise / Anthe / Doxology / Lauds / Laudamus | Garrido-Lecca, Celso | "Laudes II" f Orch 1993 | Praise / Anthe / Doxology / Lauds / Laudamus | Gattermeyer, Heinrich | "Lobet den Herrn" f Ch u Orgel 1978 | Praise / Anthe / Doxology / Lauds / Laudamus | Gebel, Georg Siegmund | "Preise Jerusalem den Herrn" f VokEns u Orch | Praise / Anthe / Doxology / Lauds / Laudamus | Gernsheim, Friedrich | "Ein Peislied" (Bibel) f Soli, Ch, Orch op 58 | Praise / Anthe / Doxology / Lauds / Laudamus | Giefer, Willy | "Laudatio" f Orgel 1972 9' | Praise / Anthe / Doxology / Lauds / Laudamus | Gilbert, Anthony | "Nine or Ten Osannas" f Klar, Horn u KlTrio 1967 | Praise / Anthe / Doxology / Lauds / Laudamus | Giordano, Umberto | "Mensa regalis" - Lauda f Ch u Orgel | Praise / Anthe / Doxology / Lauds / Laudamus | Górecki, Henryk Mikolaj | "Lobgesang" (nach Psalmen) f Ch u Glockenspiel op 76 2000 9' | Praise / Anthe / Doxology / Lauds / Laudamus | Gottschick, Friedemann | "Loben ein Leben lang" - Kant f Ch, KiCh, Gemeinde, Instr UA 1998 | Praise / Anthe / Doxology / Lauds / Laudamus | Gretschaninow, Alexander T | "Lobet den Namen des Herrn" f A/MS, Str, Orgel, Harfe op 60 1912 |