Results of searching for themes
There are 17 entries for the theme Fascism / Anti-fascism in the database.
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Theme | Composer | Titel | Remarks | Fascism / Anti-fascism | Ajdic, Alojz | "KZ Ravensbrück" – Kant f 2 Ch, Spr, Orch 1980 | Fascism / Anti-fascism | Arlen, Walter | "Arbeit macht frei" – Wiegenlied f Kl | Fascism / Anti-fascism | Brossé, Dirk | "Echoes of Silent Voices" f V u Kl 15' (Holocaust) | Fascism / Anti-fascism | Corno, Filippo del | "Ich und Hitler" – Spiel mit Musik UA 2010 | Fascism / Anti-fascism | Forest, Jean K | FilmM zu "Nackt unter Wölfen" 1960 | Fascism / Anti-fascism | Forest, Jean K | FilmM zu "Globke heute" 1963 | Fascism / Anti-fascism | Klebanov, Dmitri Lvovic | "In memoriam to the Martyrs of Baby Jar" - 1. Sinf f Orch 1945 | Fascism / Anti-fascism | Kmitová, Jana | "Wound" f 13 Instr 6' | Erfahrung KZ Ravensbrück | Fascism / Anti-fascism | Kucera, Václav | "Lidice – ein musikalisch-dramatisches Radio-Fresko" f Spr, Ansager, 2 Reporter, S, Ch, Ens, Elektr 45' 1972 | Fascism / Anti-fascism | Litwin, Stefan | Litwin, Stefan: "...die Hölle aber nicht" - Melodram (Kertesz) f Spr, Kl, StrQu UA 2009 30' | Fascism / Anti-fascism | Mühl, Erica | "Enterbte Seelen – den Opfern des Holocaust" f Str UA 2010 15' | Fascism / Anti-fascism | Newman, Alfred | FilmM zu "Das Tagebuch der Anne Frank" | Fascism / Anti-fascism | Parsch, Arnust | "Éscape" – Sinf Poem f Orch | Fascism / Anti-fascism | Pigovat, Boris | "Holocaust-Requiem" f Va u Orch 1994/5 43' | Fascism / Anti-fascism | Rudin, Rolf | Rudin, Rolf: "...abgeschnitten von der Welt..." (Anne Frank) f FCh u Vibr op 56 25' | Fascism / Anti-fascism | Sadikova, Aziza: | "Entfernung – Dedicated to Victims of Ravenbrück" f Va solo 2003 | Fascism / Anti-fascism | Weinberg, Mieczyslaw: | "Die Reisende" – Oper (Lukin, Medwedjew nach Pomysz) op 97 1967/8 |
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