Results of searching for themes
There are 234 entries for the theme Church / Cathedral / Chapel / Temple in the database.
Theme | Composer | Titel | Remarks | Church / Cathedral / Chapel / Temple | Alday, Ferdinand | "La petite Chapelle" - Motrette f 2 oder 3 St | Church / Cathedral / Chapel / Temple | Asuar Puiggros, José Vicente | "Catedral" f Tb 1967 | Church / Cathedral / Chapel / Temple | Barlow, Fred | "La Basilique" - Sonate f Vc u Kl 1910/11 | Church / Cathedral / Chapel / Temple | Barrios Mangoré, Agostin | "La catedral" f Git 1921/39 | Church / Cathedral / Chapel / Temple | Bazil, Ludwig | "Die verlassenen Kirchen von Ani" f StrQu 5' | Church / Cathedral / Chapel / Temple | Bergh, Ilja | "La catedral de Palma" f Kl 1984/7 | Church / Cathedral / Chapel / Temple | Beyer, Frank Michael | "Notre-Dame-Musik" f Orch 1983 18' | Church / Cathedral / Chapel / Temple | Bonis, Mel | "La cathedrale blessée" f Kl | Church / Cathedral / Chapel / Temple | Bossi, Marco Enrico | "Meditazione in una cattedrale" f Orgel op 144 1922 | Church / Cathedral / Chapel / Temple | Boydell, Brian | "Confrontations in a Cathedral" f Orgel, Harfe, Schlgzg op 84 1986 | Church / Cathedral / Chapel / Temple | Brach, H | "Dorfkirche" f MCh | Church / Cathedral / Chapel / Temple | Brahms, J | "Auf dem Kirchhofe" - Lied (v Liliencron) op 105,4 bis 1888 | Church / Cathedral / Chapel / Temple | Britten, Bemjamin | "Curlev River" - Church Parable 1964 | Church / Cathedral / Chapel / Temple | Britten, Bemjamin | "The Burning Fiery Furnace" - Church Parable 1966 | Church / Cathedral / Chapel / Temple | Britten, Bemjamin | "The Prodigal Son" - Church Parable 1968 | Church / Cathedral / Chapel / Temple | Brüll, Ignaz | "Die Waldkapelle" (W. Scherer) f Ch op 59,1 | Church / Cathedral / Chapel / Temple | Bryars, Gavin | "The Island Chapel" (E. Adnan) f MS u KOrch 1997 17' | Church / Cathedral / Chapel / Temple | Buechner, Margaret | "The Old Swedes Church" f Orch 10' | Church / Cathedral / Chapel / Temple | Burkhard, Paul | "Der Schuß von der Kanzel" – Konzert-Ouv f Orch | Church / Cathedral / Chapel / Temple | Castellanos, Evencio | "Santa Cruz de Pacairigua" – Sinf Dchtg f Orch 1954 | Church / Cathedral / Chapel / Temple | Castillo, Manuel | "Danzarina en una catedral" f KEns 1990 | Church / Cathedral / Chapel / Temple | Chadwick, George W | "In Tadaussaac church (1735)" f Orgel 1926 | Church / Cathedral / Chapel / Temple | Chi-Sun Lee | "Live of Dome" f Orch UA 2006 (Brandenburg) | Church / Cathedral / Chapel / Temple | Christensen, Bernhard | "L'Eglise" f Orgel 1976 | Church / Cathedral / Chapel / Temple | Corbett, Sidney | "Die Stimmen der Wände" f 6 Instr 1993 32' (nach den Proportionen des Gladbacher Münsters) | Church / Cathedral / Chapel / Temple | Cowie, Edward | "Cathedral Music" f BlechBlEns 1977 25' | Church / Cathedral / Chapel / Temple | Davies, Peter Maxwell | "Le jongleur de Notre-Dame" - Masque f Bar, Pantomime, 6 Instr u Kinder-Band 1978 | Church / Cathedral / Chapel / Temple | Davies, Peter Maxwell | "The Seas of Kirk Swarf" f BKlar u Str 15' | Church / Cathedral / Chapel / Temple | Debussy, Claude | "Die versunkene Kathedrale" - Prelude f Kl | Church / Cathedral / Chapel / Temple | Delvincourt, Claude | FilmM zu "La cathédrale de Chartres" | Church / Cathedral / Chapel / Temple | Devaere, André | "Les bordunes de Notre Dame de Courtace" f Orgel | Church / Cathedral / Chapel / Temple | Diabelli, Anton | "Der Kirchhof" - Lied f G u Kl 1818 | Church / Cathedral / Chapel / Temple | Domange, Mélanie | "La cathédrale blessée" f Kl 1915 | Church / Cathedral / Chapel / Temple | Doret, Gustave | "L'eglise" (Morax) f MCh 1924 | Church / Cathedral / Chapel / Temple | Dorn, Heinrich | Kant zur Einweihung des Altenburger Doms 1847 | Church / Cathedral / Chapel / Temple | Dürr, Johannes Martin | "Die Kathedrale" - Eine Hymnen-Sinf (Johannes vom Kreuz, Th. Wilder, H. Rotter, Pythadoras, Edda) f Spr, KCh, Ch, Orch 1956/78 135' | Church / Cathedral / Chapel / Temple | Dyson, George | "Concerto da chiesa" f Orch | Church / Cathedral / Chapel / Temple | Eckhardt, Hildegard | "Kirchlein vom Berg" f Ch 1983/91 3' | Church / Cathedral / Chapel / Temple | Engelbrecht, Richard | "Confessio" - Triptychon f Orch 1989 24' (Die Kathedrale-Kontemplation-Bukolische Komödie) | Church / Cathedral / Chapel / Temple | Ericsson, Hans-Ola | "Flügeltüren" f Orgel u Tb (Altarbild) | Church / Cathedral / Chapel / Temple | Fährmann, Ernst Hans | "Bilder deutscher Dome" f Orgel op 76 | Church / Cathedral / Chapel / Temple | Feremans, Gaston | "The Bronce Heart" – Orat (für St. Rombout-Kathedrale in Mecheln) f Soli, Ch, Orch UA 1961 | Church / Cathedral / Chapel / Temple | Frederichs, Henning | "Sonata da chiesa" f V, Klar, Git/Git u Orgel 1987 12' | Church / Cathedral / Chapel / Temple | Fritsch, Johanes | "Musik für St. Georg" f Kb, 10 Glasglocken, 10 Eisenbleche u Orgel 1985 | Church / Cathedral / Chapel / Temple | Furer, Arthur | "Kathedeale" - Triptychon (Rhyn) f FCh 1967 | Church / Cathedral / Chapel / Temple | Gade, Niels W | "Viborg Domkirke" - 5 Gesänge (C. Andersen) f MCh u Bl 1874 | Church / Cathedral / Chapel / Temple | Gardiner, Balfour | "Michaelchurch" f Kl 1920/3 | Church / Cathedral / Chapel / Temple | Gárdonyi, Zsolt | "Sonata da chiesa" f Trp, Pos, Orgel UA 1993 | Church / Cathedral / Chapel / Temple | Gerlach, Günter | "Sonata da chiesa" f Trp, Pos, Orgel 1989 | Church / Cathedral / Chapel / Temple | Graham, Peter | "Sonata da chiesa" f 11 Str 1995 |