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There are 98 entries for the theme Columbus, Christopher in the database.
Theme | Composer | Titel | Remarks | Columbus, Christopher | Abert, Johann Joseph | 4. Sinfonie "Columbus - Ein musikalisches Seegemälde" op 31 1864 35' | Columbus, Christopher | Alessio, Alfredo | "Cristoforo Colombo" - Dramma in musica (Riva) 1906 | Columbus, Christopher | Angiolini, Gasparo | "La scoperta dell'America da Cristoforo Colombo" - Ballett 1757 | Columbus, Christopher | Arizaga, Rodolfo | "Musica para Cristóbal Colón" f Orch 1966 | Columbus, Christopher | Arregui Garay, Vicente | "Colón" - Oper 1892 | Columbus, Christopher | Ashley, Robert | Sonata f Kl 1959/78 | Columbus, Christopher | Bach, Johann Michael | "Columbus - Entdecker Amerikas" - Kant f Soli, Ch, Orch | Columbus, Christopher | Bach, Wilh Fr Ernst | "Columbus oder die Entdeckung Amerikas" - Ballade (L. Brachmann) f T, B, Ch, Orch um 1800 15' | Columbus, Christopher | Balada, Leonardo | "Cristóbal Colón" - Oper (A. Gala) UA 1989 | Columbus, Christopher | Balada, Leonardo | "La muerte de Colón" - Oper (Balada) 1996 | Columbus, Christopher | Balada, Leonardo | "Colón" - Bilder f Orch 1991 | Columbus, Christopher | Barbieri, Carlo Emanuele di | "Cristoforo Colombo" - Oper (F. Romani) 1848 | Columbus, Christopher | Bergman, Erik | "Omaggio a Cristoforo Colombo" f Kl op 119 1991 | Columbus, Christopher | Blank, Hubert de | "Cantate de Colón" f T, Bar, Ch, Orch 26' | Columbus, Christopher | Bliss, Arthur | FilmMusik op 68a 1949, daraus Suite f Orch | Columbus, Christopher | Blumner, Martin | "Columbus" - Kant 1852 | Columbus, Christopher | Bodorová, Sylvie | "Hommage à Columbus" - Elegie f Git 1988 5' | Columbus, Christopher | Böhme, Walter | "Kolumbus" - Oper UA 1950 | Columbus, Christopher | Bose, Hans-Jürgen v | Concertino "per il HWH" (Henze) f KOrch 1991 3' | Columbus, Christopher | Bottesini, Giovanni | "Cristoforo Colombo" - Dramma lirico (R. de la Palma / M. de Mendive) 1847 | Columbus, Christopher | Brambach, Carl Joseph | "Columbus" - Oper | Columbus, Christopher | Bristow, George Frederick | "Columbus" - Ouv f Orch op 32 1861 | Columbus, Christopher | Buck, Dudley | "The Voyage of Columbus" (Irving) f Soli, Ch, Orch 1885 | Columbus, Christopher | Carillo, Julián | "Preludio a Colón" f Orch 1921 | Columbus, Christopher | Carillo, Julian | "Preludio a Colón" f V u Elektr | Columbus, Christopher | Carnicer y Batlle, Ramón | "Cristóbal Colón" - Melodramma (Romani) 1831 | Columbus, Christopher | Carrillo, Julián | "Preludio a Colón" f S, Octavina, Fl, Git, Harfe, V 1922 | Columbus, Christopher | Caryll, Ivan | "Little Cristopher Columbus" - Burlesque (Sims, Raleigh) 1893 | Columbus, Christopher | Coquard, Arthur | SchM zu "Christophe Colomb" (Collin) 1892 | Columbus, Christopher | Dancla, Charles | "Christophe Colomb - Scène dramatique" f Orch | Columbus, Christopher | Danzi, Franz | SchM zu "Columbus" (Klingemann) 1809 | Columbus, Christopher | Darondeau, Henry Benoit | "Christophe Colomb ou la découverte du Nouveau monde" - Mélodrame historique 1815 | Columbus, Christopher | David, Félicien | "Christophe Colomb ou La Découverte du Nouveau Monde" - Ode-symphonique (Méry etc.) 1847 | Columbus, Christopher | De Ferrari, Serafino Amadeo | "Cristoforo Colombo" – Kant | Columbus, Christopher | DeMars, James | "Premonitions of Christopher Columbus" f Sax; 2 Kl, 2 Schlgzger 1979 15' | Columbus, Christopher | Donaurov, Sergej I | "Christofor Kolumb" - Operette verloren | Columbus, Christopher | Donizetti, G | "Cristoforo Colombo" - Scena e Cavatina f Bar u Orch 1838 | Columbus, Christopher | Draeseke, Felix | "Columbus" - Kant f S, Bar, MCh, Orch op 52 1889/90 | Columbus, Christopher | Dressel, Erwin | "Armer Columbus" - Oper (Zweininger) UA 1928 (Ouv, ZwischenaktM u Finale v Schostakowitsch op 23 1929 8' | Columbus, Christopher | Egk, Werner | "Columbus" - FunkOper 1932, Bühnenfassung UA 1942 | Columbus, Christopher | Eidelman, Cliff | FilmM zu "Christophe Colomb" | Columbus, Christopher | Fabrizi, Vincenzo | "Il Colombo o La scoperta delle Indie" - Farsa per musica 1788 | Columbus, Christopher | Falla, Manuel de | "Atlantida" - 3. Teil - Cantata scenica UA 1961 | Columbus, Christopher | Fäsy, Albert Rudolph | "Columbus" – Dramatische Suite f Orch 21' | Columbus, Christopher | Febel, Reinhard | "Kolomb" (nach Fragmenten v Hölderlin) f MS u Vc 1982 | Columbus, Christopher | Fioravanti, Vincenzo | Colombo alla scoperta delle Indie" - Opera buffa (Tottola) 1828 | Columbus, Christopher | Franchetti, Alberto | "Cristoforo Colombo"- Dramma lirico (Illica) 1892 | Columbus, Christopher | Früh, Huldreich Georg | "Der neue Columbus" - Dramat. Erzählung (Ehrismann) 1939 | Columbus, Christopher | Fuentes Matons, Laureano | "Colón" - Marsch f Orch 1892 | Columbus, Christopher | Gebel, Franz Xaver | "Kolumb" - Oper um 1843 Fragment |