Results of searching for themes
There are 372 entries for the theme Philosopher / Philosophy / Philosophers in the database.
Theme | Composer | Titel | Remarks | Philosopher / Philosophy / Philosophers | Abrahamsen, Hans | "Walden" f 5 Bl 10' | Philosopher / Philosophy / Philosophers | Adams, John | "Harmonielehre" f Orch 1985 41' (Bezüge zu Schönberg, Kosmos, Amfortas, Jung) | Philosopher / Philosophy / Philosophers | Agricola, Johann Friedrich | "Il filosofo convinto in amore" - Intermezzo 1750 | Philosopher / Philosophy / Philosophers | Albert, Heinrich | "Hymnus sub solennem promotionis philosophiae festivitatem" f 8 St.n 1651 | Philosopher / Philosophy / Philosophers | Almeida, Francisco António de | "La pazienza di Socrate" - Dramma comico (N. Minato) 1733 | Philosopher / Philosophy / Philosophers | Andriessen, Louis | "De Staat" (Platon) f 4 FSt u KEns 1972/6 36' ;dss f 2 Kl 1992 | Philosopher / Philosophy / Philosophers | Andriessen, Louis | "De Materie" - Musiktheater f S, T, 2 Spr, 8 St u InstrEns 1985/8 108' | Philosopher / Philosophy / Philosophers | Angerer, Paul | "Trost der Philosophie" (Boethius) f Soli, Ch, Str, Bl, Pk 1947 60' | Philosopher / Philosophy / Philosophers | Anghel, Irinel | "Everything and Nothing" f Va u Hamronica 2000 | Philosopher / Philosophy / Philosophers | Anhalt, Istvan | "Sparskraps" f Orch 1987 24' | Philosopher / Philosophy / Philosophers | Antunes, Jorge | "Proudhonia" f Ch u Tb 1973 | Philosopher / Philosophy / Philosophers | Badia, Carlo Agostino | "L'idea del felice governo" - Serenata (Cu-peda) 1698 | Philosopher / Philosophy / Philosophers | Baer, Walter | "Das Symposion des Xenophanes" f Ch | Philosopher / Philosophy / Philosophers | Baeyens, August | "Diogenes" I-IV f Kl 1920 | Philosopher / Philosophy / Philosophers | Baguer, Carlos | "La principesa filósofa e sea El desdén con el desdén" - Oper (C. Gozzi nach A. Moreto) 1797 | Philosopher / Philosophy / Philosophers | Balakauskas, Osvaldas | "Erasmus" f Trp, Pos, Tb 1996 | Philosopher / Philosophy / Philosophers | Balint, George | "Der archimedische Punkt" – Liederzyklus (Ramni-ceanu) 1997 | Philosopher / Philosophy / Philosophers | Balint, George | "Im Allgemeinen" f Kl u Schlgzg 2005 | Philosopher / Philosophy / Philosophers | Balint, George | "In der Tat eines Zustandes" f Ob, Va, Kl 2006 | Philosopher / Philosophy / Philosophers | Baratello, Marino | "Tutto é bene" – 17 Lieder f G u Kl 1994/5 | Philosopher / Philosophy / Philosophers | Barber, Samuel | "Prayers of Kierkegaard" f S, Ch, Orch op 30 1942/54 18' | Philosopher / Philosophy / Philosophers | Barbier, René | Les Éléments" - Suite platonicienne f Orch op 64 1935 | Philosopher / Philosophy / Philosophers | Barkin, Elaine | "Anythin Goes" f Tb 1987 | Philosopher / Philosophy / Philosophers | Barraud, Henry | "Rhapsodie cartésienne" f Orch 1960 | Philosopher / Philosophy / Philosophers | Battistelli, Giorgio | "Experimentum mundi" - Opera di Musica immaginistica f 16 Handwerker, 4 FSt,Schlgzg u Spr (Diderot) 1982 | Philosopher / Philosophy / Philosophers | Bayle, Francois | "La Philosophie du Non" f Tb 1972 | Philosopher / Philosophy / Philosophers | Bec, Jean-Philippe | "Patientia" (Giordano Bruno) f S u Ens UA 2004 | Philosopher / Philosophy / Philosophers | Beck, Conrad | 6. Sinf "Aeneas Silvius" f Orch 1957 28' | Philosopher / Philosophy / Philosophers | Bedrossjan, Franck | "Traces d'ombres" (nach Kierkegaard) f StrQu 2000/6 | Philosopher / Philosophy / Philosophers | Bell, William Henry | "Dicitis Philosophi" (B. Farrington) f Ch u Orch 1932 | Philosopher / Philosophy / Philosophers | Bentoiu, Pascal | 3.-6. StrQu: "Die Wahrnehmung op 27a 1980 | Philosopher / Philosophy / Philosophers | Bentoiu, Pascal | "Das Gefühl" op 27b 1981 | Philosopher / Philosophy / Philosophers | Bentoiu, Pascal | "Die Vernunft" op 27c 1982 | Philosopher / Philosophy / Philosophers | Bentzon, Joergen | Sinf Nr 2 B "Fortschritt-Wachstum-Konstruktion" 1946/7 | Philosopher / Philosophy / Philosophers | Bentzon, Nils Viggo | "Feature on René Descartes" f Orch op 357 1975/6 27' | Philosopher / Philosophy / Philosophers | Bernstein, Leonard | Serenade (nach Platons "Symposion" f V, Harfe,Schlgzg, StrOrch 1954 30' | Philosopher / Philosophy / Philosophers | Beuger, Antoine | "calme étendue (spinoza)" f Spr | Philosopher / Philosophy / Philosophers | Beyer, Stefan | "In Terms of Eigentlichkeit" (nach Jensen u Adorno) f gr Ens 2011 18' | Philosopher / Philosophy / Philosophers | Blomdahl, Karl-Birger | "Anabase" (Saint-John Perse) f Spr, Bar, Ch, Orch 1956 60' | Philosopher / Philosophy / Philosophers | Bo, Sonia | "Da una lettura di Husserl" - Konzert f KOrch 1985 11' | Philosopher / Philosophy / Philosophers | Boguslawski, Edward | "L'Etre" f S, Fl, Vc, 2 Kl 1973 | Philosopher / Philosophy / Philosophers | Borghi, Giovanni Battista | "Il filosofo amante" - Opera buffa Puccinelli) 1774 | Philosopher / Philosophy / Philosophers | Bortkiewicz, Sergej E | "Le philosophe" - Etüde f Kl op 29,4 | Philosopher / Philosophy / Philosophers | Bosse, Denis | "Liances" f Kl (das Werden, nach Deleuze) | Philosopher / Philosophy / Philosophers | Brant, Henry Dreyfuss | "On the Nature of Things" (nach Lukrez)f Str, HolzBl u Glockenspiel 1956 | Philosopher / Philosophy / Philosophers | Bredemeyer, Reiner | "Marximen" f T, 3 Klar, Schlgzg | Philosopher / Philosophy / Philosophers | Bresgen, Cesar | "Magnalia Dei" - Sinf Metamorphosen über Paracelsus f Spr u Orch 1986 26' | Philosopher / Philosophy / Philosophers | Brod, Max | "Drei philosophische Texte" (Brentano, Heine, Kant)f G u Kl op 27 1933/44 | Philosopher / Philosophy / Philosophers | Bruzdowicz, Joanna | FilmM zu "Kung Fu Master" (Varda) 1988 | Philosopher / Philosophy / Philosophers | Bryars, Gavin | "Farewell to Philosophy" - Konzert f Vc u Orch 1995 35' |