Results of searching for themes
There are 180 entries for the theme Politics / Politician / Political in the database.
Theme | Composer | Titel | Remarks | Politics / Politician / Political | Al Suhaily, Hamdan | "Gesegnete Renaissance" f Orch UA 2007 (Eloge auf Oman u seinen Diktator) | Politics / Politician / Political | Abejo, M. Rosalina | "Guerilla" - Sinfonie f Orch 1972 | Politics / Politician / Political | Abejo, M. Rosalina | "Ode to a Statesman" f Orch 1973 | Politics / Politician / Political | Abingdon, Earl of | "The Political Rationalist" f Ch | Politics / Politician / Political | Abingdon, Earl of | "The State Test, or the Subversion of Parties" f Ch | Politics / Politician / Political | Acosta, Rodolfo | "ein world pour todos" f Ens 12' | Politics / Politician / Political | Adam, Adolphe | "La Républicaine" - Marche (Premaray) f G 1848 | Politics / Politician / Political | Adams, John | "Nixon in China" - Oper | Politics / Politician / Political | Adams, John | "Der Tod von Klinghoffer" – Oper daraus Chöre f Ch u Orch 40' | Politics / Politician / Political | Adomian, Lan | "Lincoln's Gettysbourg address" (Lincoln) f Bar u Orch 1946 18' | Politics / Politician / Political | Aichinger, Elfi | "Zum Sterben bin ich viel zu jung" - Oper (über Kelly /Bastian) UA 1994 ;dss als Sinfonische Dichtung 90' | Politics / Politician / Political | Alcalay, Luna | "Allgemeine Erklärung der Menschenrechte" (Charta) f Ch u Instr 1968 23' | Politics / Politician / Political | Alexandra, Liana | "Lob" - Kant (L. Blaga) f Ch u Orch 1977 | Politics / Politician / Political | Allende-Blin, Juan | "Walter Mehring - Ein Wintermärchen" f KEns UA 1996 | Politics / Politician / Political | Alsleben, Julius | "Zum 1. September - Marsch von Sedan" f Kl op 22 | Politics / Politician / Political | Amann, Michael | "Verfinsterung / Erstarrung" f Ens UA 2001 (Österreichische Politik) | Politics / Politician / Political | Amann, Michael | "Ö! Trio zur Lage der Kulturnation" f TSax, Kb, Schlgzg UA 2002 | Politics / Politician / Political | Amico, Matteo d' | "La realtà" (Pasolini) f Spr u Ens 1995 10' | Politics / Politician / Political | Amirkhanian, Charles | "Politica as usual" f Orch 1989 | Politics / Politician / Political | Amram, David Werner | "A Little Rebellion: Thomas Jefferson" f Spr u Orch 1995 | Politics / Politician / Political | Anastas, Mounir | "Break Dawn the Walls" f Orch UA 2006 6' | Politics / Politician / Political | Andriessen, Louis | "Rosa" - Oper UA 1994 | Politics / Politician / Political | Andriessen, Louis | "Des Staat" (Platon) f 4 FrauenSt u KEns 1976 36' | Politics / Politician / Political | Andriessen, Louis | "Il principe" (Macchiavelli) f 2 Ch, Bl, Kl, BGit 1974 | Politics / Politician / Political | Andriessen, Louis | "Mausoleum" (Bakunin, Arnould) f 2 Bar u gr Ens 1981 30' | Politics / Politician / Political | Andriessen, Louis | "Il duce" f Elektr 1973 16' | Politics / Politician / Political | Androsch, Peter | "Domino" - Performance (S. Dörner) UA 2001 (Ermordung Aldo Moro) | Politics / Politician / Political | Angerer, Paul | "Die Paßkontrolle" - Oper (F. Kühnelt) 1958 | Politics / Politician / Political | Antunes, Jorge | "Proudhonia" f Ch u Tb 1972 10' | Politics / Politician / Political | Ardévol Gimbernat, José | "Chile: Genosse Präsident" f 5 Soli, Spr, Ch, Orch 1974 | Politics / Politician / Political | Arma, Paul | "Für den Kameraden Thälmann: Hoch die Faust!" - Kampflied (Weinert) | Politics / Politician / Political | Arnecke, Jörn | "Unter Eis" – Oper (Falk Richter) UA 2007 | Politics / Politician / Political | Arnold, Malcolm | "Peterloo"-Ouv f Orch op 97 1968 | Politics / Politician / Political | Arrigo, Girolamo | "Addio Garibaldi" - Epopea musicale 1972 | Politics / Politician / Political | Asheim, Nils Henrik | "Martin Luther Kings Himmelfahrt" - Kirchen-Oper (A. Hauge) f KnCh, KCh, Ch, 3 Schauspieler, 3 Tänzer, InstrEns UA 1990 | Politics / Politician / Political | Atehortúa, Blas Emilio | "Bachot for Golda Meir" f Orch op 109 1982 | Politics / Politician / Political | Atehortúa, Blas Emilio | "Fanfare Music in Memory of Simón Bolivar" f Orch op 91,1 1980 | Politics / Politician / Political | Austin, Larry | "In memorian JFK" (Kennedy) f Concert Band 1964 | Politics / Politician / Political | Avni, Tzvi | "Songs and Melodies in memoriam Yitzhac Rabin" (N. Zakh) f Ch 1995 5' | Politics / Politician / Political | Bach, Joh Seb | 2 Leipziger "Ratswahl"-Kant BWV 29, 119 | Politics / Politician / Political | Backman, Catharina | "11. Juni '61" (Hammarskjöld) f Bar u Ens UA 2011 | Politics / Politician / Political | Bacon, Ernst Lecher | "Ford's Thater" f Orch (A. Lincoln) | Politics / Politician / Political | Bajoras, Feliksas, R | "Zeichen" (Tomonis) f S, Str, Schlgzg 1997 (Trauermusik für die Oper des Widerstands) | Politics / Politician / Political | Baker, Claude | "Into the sun" f Spr u Orch (J. F. Kennedy über Kunst) | Politics / Politician / Political | Balada, Leonardo | "Hangman, Hangman!" - KOper 1982 45' | Politics / Politician / Political | Balada, Leonardo | "The Town of Greed" - KOper 1997 33' | Politics / Politician / Political | Balada, Leonardo | "Capricho Nr 3: Erinnerung an die Internationalen brigaden" f KlTrio UA 2006 (nach Goya) | Politics / Politician / Political | Balanya, Josep-Maria | "They Annihilate You" f Kl | Politics / Politician / Political | Baptista, Raphael | "Lincoln" - Sinf Dchtg f Orch | Politics / Politician / Political | Barkin, Elaine | "Social Contracts" - Theaer piece f 5 Spieler 1990 |