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There are 278 entries for the theme Radio / Broadcasting in the database.
Theme | Composer | Titel | Remarks | Radio / Broadcasting | Alonso Gómez, Miguel | "Radio Stress" f Spr, S, Ch, Schlgzg, Tb 1980 | Radio / Broadcasting | Antheil, George | "Sonatina für Radio" f Kl 1929 4' | Radio / Broadcasting | Barbier, René | "La mort de Promethée" - Pièce radiophonique (Henrion) op 42 1933 | Radio / Broadcasting | Bartos, Frantisek | "Musik für Radio" f Orch op 12 1936 | Radio / Broadcasting | Baudrier, Yves | "Treize histoires liées par un fil de flute" - Ballett radiophonique (Mason) f KOrch 1960/61 | Radio / Broadcasting | Baumann, Felix | "nah / hautnah" - Radio-Oper f SprCh, S, Vc, Ens UA 2001 | Radio / Broadcasting | Bence-Muk, Cristian | "" f Harfe, Git, Kl u Elektr | Radio / Broadcasting | Bentoiu, Pascal | "Iphigenies Opfer" - RadioOper (A. Pop nach Euripides) op 17 1968 | Radio / Broadcasting | Berio, Luciano | "A-Ronne" - Eine radiophone Dolimentation f 8 Spr (Sanguinetti) 1974 32' | Radio / Broadcasting | Bienert, Olaf | div Funk-Musicals | Radio / Broadcasting | Borris, Siegfried | "Hans im Glück" – FunkOper op 40 28' | Radio / Broadcasting | Bourguignon, Francis de | "Congo - jeu radiophonique" f Orch op 46 1936 | Radio / Broadcasting | Braga Santos, Joly | "Viver ou mourrer" - Radio-Oper 1952 | Radio / Broadcasting | Braga Santos, Joly | "A estacao - Radio drama" (de Almeida) f 4 Spr u Orch 1958 | Radio / Broadcasting | Britten, Benjamin | "Die Rettung der Penelope" – Radiostück f Spr, 4 Soli, Ch, Orch 1943 40' | Radio / Broadcasting | Burlas, Martin | Radio Plays" f KEns 1992 | Radio / Broadcasting | Butterley, Nigel | "In the Head the Fire" - Radiophonisches Werk f T, Bar, Spr, Ch, Instr 1966 | Radio / Broadcasting | Butting, Max: | 2 R-Musiken f Orch op 37 u 38 1929: Sinfonietta f BlOrch op 37 | Radio / Broadcasting | Cage, John | "Imagionary Landscape" Nr 1 f 3 Schlgzg u Kl 1939 | Radio / Broadcasting | Cage, John | Nr 2 f 3 Scjlgzg, präp Kl u 3 Assistenten 1940 | Radio / Broadcasting | Cage, John | Nr 4 f 12 Radios 1951 | Radio / Broadcasting | Cage, John | "Sounday" - Radioereignis 1978 | Radio / Broadcasting | Cage, John | "Paragraphs of Fresh Air" f Radio 1979 | Radio / Broadcasting | Cage, John | "Fifteen domestic minutes" f Schallplatten in verschiedenen Rundfunkstationen 1982 | Radio / Broadcasting | Cage, John | "Rootario" f Tb 1979 | Radio / Broadcasting | Cage, John | "HMCIEX" f Tb 1983/4 | Radio / Broadcasting | Cage, John | "James Joyce, Marcel Duchamp, Erik Satie. Ein Alphabet" f Tb 1982 | Radio / Broadcasting | Cage, John | "Empty Mind" f Tb 1987 | Radio / Broadcasting | Cage, John | "Lecture on the Weather" (Thoreau) 1975 | Radio / Broadcasting | Cage, John | "Radio Music" f 1-8 Radios 1956 6' | Radio / Broadcasting | Cage, John | "Speech" f 5 Radioapparate u 1 Nachrichtensprecher 1955 | Radio / Broadcasting | Cagli, Bruno | "Una vendetta in musica" – RadioOper 40' | Radio / Broadcasting | Cerha, Friedrich | "Und Du..." - Radiophone Komposition f Orch, St.n, Elektr 1963 | Radio / Broadcasting | Christiansen, Henning | "To play to-day" - Radiophonische Komp f Spr, Kl, Orch op 25 1963/4 | Radio / Broadcasting | Clarke, James | "Voices" – RadioOper UA 2005 (Macht und Schmerz) | Radio / Broadcasting | Copland, Aaron | Radio Musik (Saga of the Prairie) f Orch 1937/68 12' | Radio / Broadcasting | Corner, Philip | "Music Radio" f einen Mitwirkenden mit Radio | Radio / Broadcasting | Corner, Philip | "A New Way for Radios" – Improvisatio f Mitwirkende mit Radios 1967 | Radio / Broadcasting | Curran, Alvin | Nineteen Eighty-Five – A Piece for Peace" – Radio-Musik 1985 | Radio / Broadcasting | Curran, Alvin | "Crystal Psalms" – Radio-Musik 1988 | Radio / Broadcasting | Delannoy, Marcel | "Maria Goretti" - Opéra radiophonique (Maurette) 1953 | Radio / Broadcasting | Delannoy, Marcel | "Arlequin radiophile" f Soli u kl Orch 1946 | Radio / Broadcasting | Delden, Lex van | "Icarus a radiophonic oratorio" f Spr, 3 Soli, Ch, Orch, Elektr op 77 1962 | Radio / Broadcasting | Delvincourt, Claude | "Radio-Sérénade" f Orch 1937 | Radio / Broadcasting | Dhomont, Francis | "Espaces sonores pour des textes de Jean Tortel" - Radiophones Werk 1976 | Radio / Broadcasting | Dhomont, Francis | "Figures de la nuit" - Radiophones Werk 1991 | Radio / Broadcasting | Dhomont, Francis | "Nocturne à Cambray" – Radiophones Werk 1995/6 | Radio / Broadcasting | Dhomont, Francis | "Simulacres: un autoportrait" – Radiophones Werk 1995/6 | Radio / Broadcasting | Dupé, Benjamin | "Comme je l'entends" – Radiostück f Spr, Ens, Elektr UA 2010 | Radio / Broadcasting | Egk, Werner | "Ein neuer Sender sagt sich an" - Musik f Orch u MCh UA 1929 |