Results of searching for themes
There are 197 entries for the theme Text / Texture in the database.
Theme | Composer | Titel | Remarks | Text / Texture | Ablinger, Peter | "Traktat" f Ens | Text / Texture | Acker, Dieter | "Texturae I" f Orch 1970 12' | Text / Texture | Acker, Dieter | "Texturae" II f Kl u KOrch 1972 21' | Text / Texture | Acker, Dieter | "Glossen" f Fl, Vc, Cemb 1968 | Text / Texture | Ager, Klaus | "Notizen" f Fag u Kl op 55 1990 10' | Text / Texture | Amann, Gerold | "Notizen" f Kl 1986 7' | Text / Texture | Andriessen, Louis | "Inserzione" f BlOrch | Text / Texture | Aperges, Georgios | "Parenthèses" f 15 Instr 1977 17' | Text / Texture | Aracil, Alfredo | "Dos Glosas" f 2 TastenInstr, Vibr, Harfe, V, Va, Vc 1988 | Text / Texture | Babbitt, Milton | "Glosses" (J. Hollander nach Psalm 150) f KnCh | Text / Texture | Balassa, Sándor | "Xenia" f Nonett op 20 1970 | Text / Texture | Banks, Donald | "Commentary" f Kl u Tb 1971-- 10' | Text / Texture | Barlow, Klarenz | "Textmusik" f Kl (Verbalpartitur) 1971 | Text / Texture | Becker, Günther | "Interpolationen" f Orgel 1993 | Text / Texture | Benary, Peter | "Textur" f Orch 1970 15' | Text / Texture | Benjamin, George | "Palimpsest I" f KOrch 2000 9' | Text / Texture | Benjamin, George | "Palimpsest II" f KOrch 2002 23' | Text / Texture | Berio, Luciano | "Glosse" f StrQu 1996 6' | Text / Texture | Blanquer, Armando | "Glosas II" f BlOrch 20' | Text / Texture | Bochmann, Christopher | "Lampoons" f TSax solo | Text / Texture | Borboudakis, Minas | "Paliondroma" f Kl 2006 | Text / Texture | Bose, Hans-Jürgen v | "Parerga" f KEns 1984 15' | Text / Texture | Boucourechliev, André | "Texte" I f Tb 1958 | Text / Texture | Boucourechliev, André | "Texte" II f Tb 1960 | Text / Texture | Boulez, Pierre | "Notations" f Kl 1945 | Text / Texture | Boulez, Pierre | "Douze Notations" f Kl 1946 | Text / Texture | Boulez, Pierre | "Notations" f Orch 1978/80 | Text / Texture | Boulez, Pierre | "Notations VII" f Orch UA 1999 | Text / Texture | Brass, Nikolaus | "Lautschrift - Texte, die Lage besprechen" f Schlgzg 1984/5 16' | Text / Texture | Brauel, Henning | "Sinf Paraphrasen" f Orch 1966 20' | Text / Texture | Braun, Gerhard | "Traktat" f Pos solo | Text / Texture | Brott, Alexander | "Analogy in Anagram" f Orch 1955 | Text / Texture | Brouwer, Leo | "Manuscrito antiguo encontrado en un abotella" f KlTrio 21' | Text / Texture | Brumariu, Mihnea | "Glosse" – Sinf f Orch | Text / Texture | Burtner, Matthew | "Snowprints" f Fl, Vc, Kl u Elektr | Text / Texture | Butting, Max | "Das Memorandum" - Orat f Ch op 52 1947/8 | Text / Texture | Camarero, César | "Abreviationes" f 4 Instr | Text / Texture | Camargo, E | "Texturas" f Git | Text / Texture | Candeille, Julie | "Arsenne ou L'Èpitre dédicatoire" - 4 Lieder f G u Kl op 11 1804/6 | Text / Texture | Cardew, Cornelius | "Treatise" f Ens | Text / Texture | Cardi, Mauro | "Terza texture" f Fl, BKlar, Kl | Text / Texture | Carreno, Inocente | "Margaritena" – Glosa sinfonica (Suite) f Orch 1954 10' | Text / Texture | Castillo, Manuel | "Glosas del círculo magico" f KEns 1976 | Text / Texture | Chailley, Jacques | "Triptyque sur des versets d'écriture Sainte" f Orgel 1984 | Text / Texture | Cilensek, Johann | "Miszellen" f 2 Git 1996 | Text / Texture | Clarke, James | "Deformierte Texte" 1 & 2 f S u Ens 1997/2000 24' | Text / Texture | Clementi, Aldo | "Texture" f Pos u Pos-Ens auf Tb | Text / Texture | Cliquet, Pleyel, Henri | 7 "Acrostiches" f Kl | Text / Texture | Comjod, Mathieu | "Emporté par l'intempestif manifesto..." f 2 Kl u 2 Schlgzger | Text / Texture | Cowell, Henry | "Seven Paragraphs" f StrTrio 1925 |