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There are 347 entries for the theme World / Course of the world / Worldly in the database.
Theme | Composer | Titel | Remarks | World / Course of the world / Worldly | Aglié, Filippo d' | "I carrieri di tutti le parte del mondo" - Ballett 1634 | World / Course of the world / Worldly | Ahlin, Sven | "Clashing World" f Ch UA 1991 | World / Course of the world / Worldly | Albright, William | "Marginal Worlds" f 12 Instr 1970 | World / Course of the world / Worldly | Alexander, Haim | "In dieser Welt" (N. Zach) f MS oder Bar u Instr 1976 | World / Course of the world / Worldly | Alexandrow, Anatoli N | "Zwei Welten" - Oper (nach Majkow) 1916 | World / Course of the world / Worldly | Alvear, Maria de | "World" f Kl (2 Pianisten) u Orch 1996 | World / Course of the world / Worldly | Angerer, Paul | "Ire in orbem" f Str 1975 17' | World / Course of the world / Worldly | Anghel, Irinel | "Mondes impossibles – Hommage à Escher" f KOrch (nach Escher) 1998 | World / Course of the world / Worldly | Artjomow, Wjatcheslaw P | "Auf der schwelle zur hellen Welt" f Orch 1990 | World / Course of the world / Worldly | Bach, Joh Seb | "Falsche Welt, dir trau ich nicht" – Kant BWV 52 | World / Course of the world / Worldly | Bach, Joh Seb | "Was frag ich nach der Welt" - Kant BWV 94 | World / Course of the world / Worldly | Barrios Fernández, Angel | "El hombre más guapo del mundo" - Zarzuela (T. Borrás) 1920 (mit el Campo) | World / Course of the world / Worldly | Battistelli, Giorgio | "De Experimentum mundi" – Musiktheater f Spr, SprCh, Ens UA 2008 60' | World / Course of the world / Worldly | Baumgartner, Roland | "Symphonia globalis" (Shakespeare, Dante, Goethe) f S, T, Ch, JazzOrch 1996 75' | World / Course of the world / Worldly | Baur, Jürg | "Piccolo mondo" - Musik zu einem imaginären Ballett 1963 22' | World / Course of the world / Worldly | Bayer, Josef | "Die Welt in Bild und Tanz" - Ballett 1892 | World / Course of the world / Worldly | Bayer, Josef | "Die kleine Welt" - Ballett 1904 | World / Course of the world / Worldly | Becker, Günther | "Schwebende Welten" (Ausländer) f Ch 2002/4 | World / Course of the world / Worldly | Benoit, Peter | "De Wareld - Die Welthinein" - Kant (de Geyter) f Ch u Orch 1878 | World / Course of the world / Worldly | Bertram, Hans Georg | "Canto per un altro mundo" - 2. Sinf f Orch UA 1996 | World / Course of the world / Worldly | Betts, Donald | "Of Mingled Voices and Ancient Worlds" f Kl | World / Course of the world / Worldly | Biebl, Franz | "Die beste Welt" f Ch u Kl | World / Course of the world / Worldly | Bingham, Judith | "Gleams of a Remoted World" f Ch | World / Course of the world / Worldly | Bliss, Arthur | FilmM zu "Men of two worlds" daraus Suite f Orch | World / Course of the world / Worldly | Boehmer, Konrad | "Un monde abandonné des facteurs" f 4 MS 1996 | World / Course of the world / Worldly | Bogarinovic, Ingeborg | "Wächter der Welt" (Vinaver) f S u Kl | World / Course of the world / Worldly | Bondon, Jacques | "Tableaux fantastiques d'un monde ètrange" f Orch 1954 | World / Course of the world / Worldly | Bondon, Jacques | "Musique pour un autre monde" f Orch 1962 | World / Course of the world / Worldly | Börresen, Mikael | "Mundana" f Klar u Orgel UA 2004 | World / Course of the world / Worldly | Borzova, Alla | "To the New World" f S u Orch 2001/2 15' | World / Course of the world / Worldly | Brätel, Ulrich | "Welt hin, Welt her" f VokEns | World / Course of the world / Worldly | Brooker, David | "String Play around the World" f flexibles StrEns | World / Course of the world / Worldly | Bruci, Rudolf | "Salut au monde" - Orat f Spr, Soli, Ch, Orch 1967 | World / Course of the world / Worldly | Bruzdowicz, Joanna | "Trio dei due mondi" f KlTrio 1980 | World / Course of the world / Worldly | Bryars, Gavin | "Non la conobbe il mundo mentre l'ebbe" f KEns 2006 15' | World / Course of the world / Worldly | Bukvic, Dalibor | "Recits d'un autre monde" f Ch, Orch, Orgel | World / Course of the world / Worldly | Bull, Edvard Hagerup | "Epilogue - Hommage à la mémoire d'un monde perdu" f StrOrch op 26 1961 13' | World / Course of the world / Worldly | Burgon, Geoffrey | "First was the World" f CT, Ch, Orch 1994 10' | World / Course of the world / Worldly | Burgon, Geoffrey | "The Turning World" - Konzert f Trp u kl Orch 1993 18' | World / Course of the world / Worldly | Burgon, Geoffrey | "The World Again" (Beddoes) f S u Orch 1983 23' | World / Course of the world / Worldly | Burgon, Geoffrey | "This World From" f Ch u Orgel 1979 | World / Course of the world / Worldly | Bush, Alan Dudley | "The World is his Song" (N. Bush) f Bar, Ch, Orch op 51 1958 | World / Course of the world / Worldly | Bush, Alan Dudley | "The Alpes and the Andes of the Living World" (Shakespeare, Huxley, N. Bush) f Spr, T, Ch, Orch op 66 1968 | World / Course of the world / Worldly | Calame, Geneviève | "Sur la margelle du monde" f KEns | World / Course of the world / Worldly | Carissimi, Giacomo | "Contemptus mundi" f VokEns u Instr | World / Course of the world / Worldly | Casimiro Júnior, Joaquim | "Paraíso, Terra, Inferno" - Peca mágica (Machado) 1854 | World / Course of the world / Worldly | Castérède, Jacques | "L'Autre bout du monde" – Kant 1960 | World / Course of the world / Worldly | Chan Wingwah | "Big little World" (Simon Chow) f KiCh 1986 | World / Course of the world / Worldly | Chaynes, Charles | "Pour une monde noir" f S u Orch | World / Course of the world / Worldly | Chevreuille, Raymond | "D'un monde imaginaire" (Carème) f Bar u Orch op 74 1960 |