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There are 74 entries for the theme Autobiography / Autobiographic in the database.
Theme | Composer | Titel | Remarks | Autobiography / Autobiographic | Ablinger, Peter | "Quadraturen IV - Selbstportrait mit Berlin" f Ens 1995/8 | Autobiography / Autobiographic | Adamic, Emil | "Aus meiner Jugend" - Suite f Orch 1922 | Autobiography / Autobiographic | Allende-Blin, Juan | "Rapport sonore" f Tb 1982 | Autobiography / Autobiographic | Amram, David Werner | "Autobiography" f StrOrch 1959 | Autobiography / Autobiographic | Baur, Jürg | "Aus dem Tagebuch des Alten" - 2. Sinf f Orch (nach Ungaretti) 22' | Autobiography / Autobiographic | Berg, A | Kammerkonzert f Kl, V u 13 Bl | Autobiography / Autobiographic | Berg, A | "Lyrische Suite" f StrQu | Autobiography / Autobiographic | Berlioz, H | "Symphonie fantastique" f Orch op 14 | Autobiography / Autobiographic | Bernstein, Leonard | "The Story of my life" f G u Orch 4' | Autobiography / Autobiographic | Boesmans, Philippe | "Sur me" f 2 Kl, Schlgzg, LiveElektr | Autobiography / Autobiographic | Brizzi, Aldo | "Nosce te ipsum" f Orch 1993/4e | Autobiography / Autobiographic | Bucht, Gunnar | "Eines Frühlings ging ich in die Welt hinaus – Roman in 16 Kapiteln" f Orch 1983/4 | Autobiography / Autobiographic | Burlas, Martin | "Aus meinem Leben" f beliebiges InstrEns 1992 | Autobiography / Autobiographic | Bussotti, Sylvano | "Sylvan Sylvano – Rappresentazione della vita" f Vok- u InstrEns | Autobiography / Autobiographic | Butting, Max | "Stationen" - 7 Orch-Stücke op 117 UA 1972 32' | Autobiography / Autobiographic | Celanský, Ludovík | "Aus meinem Leben" - Sinf f Orch | Autobiography / Autobiographic | Derungs, Gion Antoni | "Aus meinem Leben" - 3. Sinf f Orch op 116 1987/8 | Autobiography / Autobiographic | Dimow, Ivan | "Menipea - Versuch einer ironischen Selbstbiographie" f KlTrio 1983 | Autobiography / Autobiographic | Dobronic, Antun | "Serenade meines Lebens" - Suite f Kl 1916 | Autobiography / Autobiographic | Duchnowski, Cezary | "I" f Ens u Elektr UA 2012 | Autobiography / Autobiographic | Fibich, Zdenek | Quint f Klar, Horn, V, Vc, Kl op 42 (Selbstporträt und Liebesbeziehung) | Autobiography / Autobiographic | Figus- Bystrý, Viliam | "Aus meiner Jugend" - Suite f Orch op 56 1934 | Autobiography / Autobiographic | Foerster, Josef B | "Meine Jugend" - Sinf Dchtg f Orch op 44 1900 15' | Autobiography / Autobiographic | Gershwin, George | "Ein Amerikaner in Paris" f Orch 1928 18' | Autobiography / Autobiographic | Goldmann, Friedrich | "An Sich" – Duett (Fleming) f S u Bar mit Holzblöcken UA 2010 | Autobiography / Autobiographic | Goldschmidt, Berthold | "Rondeau" f V u Orch 1994 | Autobiography / Autobiographic | Ivanovs, Janis | 20. Sinfonie | Autobiography / Autobiographic | Janácek, Leos | "Tagebuch eines Verschollenen" f 5 St mit Kl nach anonymen Texten 1917/19 | Autobiography / Autobiographic | Janácek, Leos | StrQu Nr 2 "Intime Briefe" | Autobiography / Autobiographic | Jeney, Zoltán | "Selbst-Zitate" f 5 Instr 1991 | Autobiography / Autobiographic | Jung, Helge | "Autograph" - Orchestermusik I op 17 UA 1976 | Autobiography / Autobiographic | Kagel, Mauricio | "…den 24. 12. 1931 - Verstümmelte Nachrichten" f G u KEns 1888/91 31' | Autobiography / Autobiographic | Kont, Paul | "K" – Choreographische Szenen f Str 1984 23' | Autobiography / Autobiographic | Kox, Hans | 12 "Monographien" f Sax u Ens 1995 (Sterbender über sein Leben) | Autobiography / Autobiographic | Krenek, Ernst | "For Myself, at Eightyfive" f VokQu op 238a 1985 | Autobiography / Autobiographic | Lauermann, Herbert | "Phantasy on me" f Orch 1984/5 | Autobiography / Autobiographic | Lehár, Franz | "Eine Vision - Miene Jugendzeit" - Konzert-Ouv f Orch | Autobiography / Autobiographic | Lieberson, Peter | "Rising the Gaze" f KOrch | Autobiography / Autobiographic | Loeffler, Charles Martin | "Memories of My Childhood" f Orch 1924 14' | Autobiography / Autobiographic | Magnard, Albéric | "Quatre Poems" f G u Kl op 15 | Autobiography / Autobiographic | Matthus, Siegfried | "Tief ist der Brunnen der Vergangenheit" - 4 Stücke f Orch 1991 | Autobiography / Autobiographic | Meulemans, Arthur | "Uit m'n leven" f StrQu 1907 25' | Autobiography / Autobiographic | Mochizuki, Misato | "All That Is Including Me" f BFl, Klar, V 1996 11' | Autobiography / Autobiographic | Nielsen, Ludolf | 2. Sinf (eigene Verlobungszeit) 1907/9 | Autobiography / Autobiographic | Novák, Vitezslav | "Reminiscences" f Kl op 6 1894 15' | Autobiography / Autobiographic | Parish-Alvars, Elias | "Scenes of my Youth" f Harfe op 75 um 1844 | Autobiography / Autobiographic | Pärt, Arvo | "Mein Weg hat Gipfel und Wellentäler" f Orgel/14 Str u Schlgzg 1989/2001 | Autobiography / Autobiographic | Podesva, Jaromír | "Wer ich war" – 5. StrQu 1964 | Autobiography / Autobiographic | Raff, Joseph Joachim | 6. Sinf d op 189 "Gelebt: Gelitten, Gestritten, Gestorben, Umworben" 1873 | Autobiography / Autobiographic | Reger, Max | Sonate f Vc u Kl op 5 f 1892 (Toter hält Rückschau auf sein Leben) |