Results of searching for themes
There are 39 entries for the theme Home concert / House concert in the database.
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Theme | Composer | Titel | Remarks | Home concert / House concert | Bohn, Carl | "Hausmusik" f 2 V u Kl | Home concert / House concert | Bujarski, Zbigniew | "Musica domestica" f StrOrch 1977 | Home concert / House concert | Busch, Adolf | "Hausmusik" f Klar u V op 26 | Home concert / House concert | Butting, Max | "Hausmusik" op 119 f div Bes | Home concert / House concert | Butting, Max | "Hauskonzert bei Langners" op 65 1949 | Home concert / House concert | Dienz, Christoph | "Stubenmusik" f Hackbrett, Zither, Harfe etc UA 2010 40' | Home concert / House concert | Gage, John | "Living House Music" f Schlgzg- u SprQu 1940 | Home concert / House concert | Haller, Hermann | "Per la camerata" f 16 Str 1974 | Home concert / House concert | Hartig, Heinz Friedrich | "Hausmusik 1959" f Klar, V, Va, Vc 1959 | Home concert / House concert | Hauer, Joseph Matthias | "Hausmusik" f kl 4hdg 1958 | Home concert / House concert | Hechtel, Herbert | "Tapetenhausmusik" oder "Der kleine Ohrenschmaus" f div Sprecher, Kl, Instr | Home concert / House concert | Hessenberg, Kurt | "Kleine Hausmusik" f Kl op 24 1942 16' | Home concert / House concert | Huber, Rupert | "Private Exile" – Internethausmusik f 23 Musiker UA 2004 | Home concert / House concert | Hurnik, Ilja | "Hausmusik" f Kl 4hdg 1963 | Home concert / House concert | Jez-Brezavsek, Brina | "Aulophonia domestica" f Ob, Klar, Schlgzg 16' | Home concert / House concert | Kaminski, Heinrich | "Hauskonzert" f V u Kl 1941 | Home concert / House concert | Kempff, Wilhelm | "Hausmusikbuch" f Kl 1945/7 | Home concert / House concert | Knorr, Ernst-Lothar v | "Haus- u Jugendmusik" f div Besetzungen | Home concert / House concert | Krenek, Ernst | "Hausmusik" - 7 Stücke für die 7 Tage der Woche f div Instr op 172 1959 | Home concert / House concert | Kupkovic, Ladislav | "Das klingende Hochhaus" f Spr u Orch 1993 | Home concert / House concert | Kuusisto, Ilkka | "Wenn das Haus zu klingen beginnt" – Kant (Nummi) 1993 | Home concert / House concert | Leutwiler, Toni | "Lustige Hausmusik" f 4 BlockFl, Mundharmonika u kl Orch op 85 1956 | Home concert / House concert | Lhotka, Fran | "La petite Suite domestique" f Kl 1913 | Home concert / House concert | Meadowcroft, Thomas | "Home Organs" f 6 Schlgzger 2000 | Home concert / House concert | Motte, Diether de la | "Haus-Konzert" – Wandelkonzert f ca 30 Musiker 1971 25' | Home concert / House concert | Pancev, Vladimir | "Das Haus mit dem Mezzanin" – Oper (nach Tschechow) 1986 | Home concert / House concert | Poppe, Enno | Zyklus f KEns | Home concert / House concert | Rosa, Hanno Rodger di | "Jazz in the House" f JazzQu 1992 64' | Home concert / House concert | Rüggeberg, Michael | "Ein Haus voller Musik" (Rettich) f Spr u Orch 32' | Home concert / House concert | Schmid, Erich | "Kleine Hausmusik" f StrQu, Kl, G op 13 1237/40 | Home concert / House concert | Schröder, Hanning | "Hausmusik" f 5 StrInstr | Home concert / House concert | Schwertsik, Kurt | "House & Court music" f Orch | Home concert / House concert | Seidl, Hannes | "The Art of Home Entertainment" f V, TSax, Kl, Schlgzg, Elektr 2006 16' | Home concert / House concert | Stedron, Vladimir | "Kleine Haus-Suite" f 2 V u Va 1937 | Home concert / House concert | Stürmer, Bruno | 3 kleine Hausmusiken f Vc u Kl 1937 12' | Home concert / House concert | Wagner-Régeny, Rudolf | "Kleine Gemeinschaftsmusik" f 3 Bl u 3 Str 1929 | Home concert / House concert | Wildgans, Friedrich | "Kleine Haus- u Spielmusik in 7 Tönen" f Fl, V, Vc 1956 | Home concert / House concert | Witzmann, Thomas | "Mobile Hausmusik - Szenisches Konzert" f KOrch, 4 Tänzerinnen u Lichtdesign 1994/5 | Home concert / House concert | Zykan, Otto M | FilmM "Hausmusik – Gegenstände tönen, wenn man sie anrührt" 1974 (zus mit P. Weibel) |
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