Results of searching for themes
There are 365 entries for the theme Interior / Intimate in the database.
Theme | Composer | Titel | Remarks | Interior / Intimate | Adams, John Luther | "The Light Within" f Ens u Elekt | Interior / Intimate | Aggházy, Karoly | "Trois pièces intimes" f Kl op 29 | Interior / Intimate | Aguirre, Julián | 2 "Intimas" f Kl 1893 | Interior / Intimate | Alcalay, Luna | "L'interieur des pensées" f StrQu 1990 20' | Interior / Intimate | André, Mark | "" f BKlar solo 2001/5 | Interior / Intimate | André, Mark | "ni" ("nach innen") f Ens | Interior / Intimate | Andriessen, Louis | "Introspezione I" f Kl 4hdg 1961 6' | Interior / Intimate | Andriessen, Louis | "Introspezione II" f Orch 1963 | Interior / Intimate | Andriessen, Louis | "Introspezione III" f 2 Kl u Ens 1965 5' | Interior / Intimate | Aperges, Georgios | "Dans la mur" f Kl u Tb 2007 20' | Interior / Intimate | Arányi-Aschner, Georg | "Selbstgeständnis" f Va 1956 7' | Interior / Intimate | Arel, Bülent | "Suite intime" f Orch 1951/2 | Interior / Intimate | Arteaga, Alex | "Innerhalb" f KEns | Interior / Intimate | Asplund, Jones | "Into Shadows Subside" f Ens u Elektr 2010 7' | Interior / Intimate | Balanyá, Josep-Maria | "They Burn your Inner Peace" f Kl | Interior / Intimate | Balart, Gabriel | "Les Intimes" - Quadrile f Kl 184? | Interior / Intimate | Barkauskas, Vytautas | "Intime Komposition" f Ob u 12 Str op 15 1968 | Interior / Intimate | Barkauskas, Vytautas | "Intime Musik" f Fl zu Schlgzg op 100 1993 | Interior / Intimate | Bauckholt, Carola | "Im inneren Ohr" f Darstellerin u Tb 1983 | Interior / Intimate | Baur, Jürg | "Vom tiefinneren Sang" f A, Klar, StrQu | Interior / Intimate | Beinke, Eckart | "Introversion 3" f Sax, Kl, Schlgzg 1995 | Interior / Intimate | Beinke, Eckart | "Introversion f Kb u Schlgzg 1993 | Interior / Intimate | Benoit, Camille | "Une crémaillière - Fète intime" f Kl 1882 | Interior / Intimate | Benoit, Camille | "Drames intimes" f Kl 1861 | Interior / Intimate | Berheide, Hauke Jasper | "Seines Inneren Wildnis" – Sinf (Rilke) f MS u Orch UA 2010 30' | Interior / Intimate | Bériot, Charles-Auguste de | "Les Intimes" - 2 Duos brillants f V u Kl op 49 1844 (mit Wolff) | Interior / Intimate | Bettendorf, Carl Christian | "Inner Life" f Orch UA 2010 16' | Interior / Intimate | Binenbaum, Janko | "Poème intime" f KlTrio 1921 | Interior / Intimate | Bláha, Ivo | "Sonata introspectiva per viola" 1989 | Interior / Intimate | Blancafort de Rosello, Manuel | "Cantos intimos" f Kl 1918/23 | Interior / Intimate | Blomdahl, Karl-Birger | "Le Voyage cette nuit" (E. Lindegren) f G u kl Orch 1966 14' | Interior / Intimate | Body, John Stanley | "Intrerior" f KEns, Tb, Synth 1988 | Interior / Intimate | Bondt, Cornelis de | "Doors closed" f BlEns | Interior / Intimate | Bonitz, Matthias | "Rosenweg nach innen" f G u KOrch UA 2002 | Interior / Intimate | Bornhöft, Achim | "Infrarot" f SchlgzgEns | Interior / Intimate | Bossi, Renzo | "Sonata intima" f V u Kl op 31 1922 | Interior / Intimate | Branca, Glenn | "Movement within" f G u u Ens | Interior / Intimate | Brandmüller, Theo | "Innenlicht" f Orgel 1982 13' | Interior / Intimate | Brümmer, Ludger | "Inner Cycle" f Vc, Kl u div Fl 1996 | Interior / Intimate | Buhles, Günter / Frisch, Florian | "Blick nach innen" - Raum-Kant f Soli, Ch, Orch UA 1999 | Interior / Intimate | Burton, Jim | "Free Offer Inside" f St 1971 | Interior / Intimate | Buss, Santa | "Intim" f BlQuint 2008 10' | Interior / Intimate | Campana, José Luis | "Insight" f St, 4 Instr u elektroakustische Anlage 1986 | Interior / Intimate | Cárdenas, Sergio | "Árbol adentro" f Ch (O. Paz) UA 2000 | Interior / Intimate | Carter, Elliott | "Inner Song – In Memory of Sefan Wolpe" f Ob solo 1991 | Interior / Intimate | Castaldi, Paolo | "Innere Stimme" f Kl 4hdg 1974 | Interior / Intimate | Castillo, Manuel | "Intimus..." f Kl 1986 | Interior / Intimate | Castro, Juan José | "Suite introspectiva" f Orch 1961 | Interior / Intimate | Chan Kambiu | "Inner Utterance" f Kla u Tb 1991 | Interior / Intimate | Charles Soler, Agustin | "Lointain intériur" - Doppelkonzert f V, Va, 6 FSt.n u Orch (Lorca, Michaux, Alberti) 1991/2 32' |