Results of searching for themes
There are 33 entries for the theme Language / Linguistic material in the database.
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Theme | Composer | Titel | Remarks | Language / Linguistic material | Amann, Gerald | "Hassgeschichte" (Zauber- u Hexensprüche) f Spr, 2 VokQu, InstrEns 2007 | 7 Anagramme aus Palindrom | Language / Linguistic material | Babbitt, Milton | "Paraphrasen" f 9 Instr | Language / Linguistic material | Beffa, Karol | "Voyelles" f Kl | Language / Linguistic material | Blank, William | "Give the Word" (Celan) f Schlgzg, St, LiveElektr | Language / Linguistic material | Bujtas, Jozsef | "Drei neue poetische Beichten" f V u Kl | Language / Linguistic material | Chen Qiongbin | "Recital" f Va u Kl | Language / Linguistic material | Ciobanu, Maia | "Ein Interview und drei Kommentare" f Va u Elektr | Language / Linguistic material | Dominguez Rangel, Natalia | "Speech Perception" f Ens | Language / Linguistic material | Graan, Danny de | "Fee my Speaker" f En | Language / Linguistic material | Haber, Yotam | "Words Will Never Gurt Me" f Fl, Vc, Schlgzg | Language / Linguistic material | Haddad, Karem | "No One to Speak their Names" f Ens | Language / Linguistic material | Hlobil, Emil | "Exklamationes" f Orch 12' | Language / Linguistic material | Horinka, Slavomir | "Kreuzesworte" – Konzert f V u Orch 18' | Language / Linguistic material | Irsai, Evgenij M | "Anstaborlinde anagramango" f V, Kl, Kb, Akk 2004 | Language / Linguistic material | Jirásek, Jan | "Makeshift Alphabet" f Fl solo 1989 | Language / Linguistic material | Jolas, Betsy | "Mots" f 5 Soli u 8 Instr 1963 | Language / Linguistic material | Jolas, Betsy | "Calling E.C." f Kl 1982 | Language / Linguistic material | Korte, Karl | "Evocations" f Vc u Ens 21' | Language / Linguistic material | Lendvai, Kamilló | "2 kurze Worte" f Pos solo | Language / Linguistic material | Marbé, Myriam | "Shout" f KiCh u Ens | Language / Linguistic material | Marchand, Jean Baptiste | "Ein Freund spricht" f Fl, Akk, Vc | Language / Linguistic material | Mendoza-López, Elena | "Fe de erratas" f Ch 2009 | Language / Linguistic material | Mosca, Luca | "Words to Score a Rhyme" – 15 Haiku (Melega) f S u Ens | Language / Linguistic material | Olesen, Thomas Agerfeldt | "Plappergeister" – 5. StrQu UA 2010 30' | Language / Linguistic material | Pinnock, Naomi | "Words" f Bar u KOrch | Language / Linguistic material | Posadas, Alberto | "Glossopoeia" f KEns | Language / Linguistic material | Presti Ida | "Espagna" f 2 Git 1966 10' | Language / Linguistic material | Rathbone, Jackson | "When all is Said and Done" f Vc solo | Language / Linguistic material | Sanders, Arne | "Etym 2" f Klar u Akk 2008 | Language / Linguistic material | Szathmary, Zygmund | "Retorica" f V solo | Language / Linguistic material | Tanguy, Eric | "Evocations" f Vc u Kl | Language / Linguistic material | Taranu, Cornel | "Prolegomenes I" f StrQu | Language / Linguistic material | Virtaperko, Olli | "Fünf Worte von Calvino" – Doppelkonzert f Vc, Akk u Orch 2008/10 35' |
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