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There are 159 entries for the theme Breath / Breathe in the database.
Theme | Composer | Titel | Remarks | Breath / Breathe | Allende-Blin, Juan | "Souffle" f kl Ch, gr Ch u Projektionen 1970/72 | Breath / Breathe | Amy, Gilbert | "Le temps du souffle" II f V, Sax, Pos 1994 | Breath / Breathe | Amy, Gilbert | "Le temps du souffle" Nr 3 f Horn u Ens 2000 | Breath / Breathe | Amy, Gilbert | "Le temps du souffle" f Orch 2007 | Breath / Breathe | Anderson, Ian | "Locomotive Breath" f StrQu 1974 | Breath / Breathe | Baba, Noriko | "Second Souffle" f 30 Instr 2002 | Breath / Breathe | Ballif, Claude | "Phrases sur le souffle" f A, Ch, InstrEns op 25 1958 22' | Breath / Breathe | Bauckholt, Carola | "Atemüpause" f Orch 2001 | Breath / Breathe | Bennett, Alex | "Wheeze Box" f Akk u Elektr | Breath / Breathe | Berg, Stephen A | "In atembarer Luft" f Kl 1986 | Breath / Breathe | Berkeley, Michael | "Last Breath" f Fl u Harfe 2005 | Breath / Breathe | Berstad, Ragnhild | "Respiro" f Klar, Tb u Elektr UA 2002 | Breath / Breathe | Bertoncini, Mario | "Sinfonia dei respiri" f 9 Instr (u Elektr) 15' | Breath / Breathe | Birkenkötter, Jörg | "...kaum einen Hauch" f Klar, Vc, Kl 1988 17' | Breath / Breathe | Boehmer, Konrad | "Atem" f Fl solo 1975 | Breath / Breathe | Bousch, Francois | "Souffle de vie-Lumière" f Orch 1976 | Breath / Breathe | Butler, Martin | "Still Breathing" f Bl u Schlgzg 1992 | Breath / Breathe | Carretero Aguado, Alberto | "Pneumas f Ens 5' | Breath / Breathe | Castérède, Jacques | "Jusqu'à mon dernier souffle" (Hugo, Eluard) f Spr, BlOrch, Schlgzg 1986 | Breath / Breathe | Ceccarelli, Luigi | "Respiri" - Elektr. Komp 1999 17' | Breath / Breathe | Chaminade, Cécile | "Un souffle a passé" (Reyniel) f G u Kl 1906 | Breath / Breathe | Choloniewski, Marek | "Like Breathing" f 5 Instr u Computer 1991 9' | Breath / Breathe | Corghi, Azio | "Soffio armonico" f kl Orch 1993 7' | Breath / Breathe | Corner, Philip | "EarthBreath" – Improvisation f Alphorn 1992 | Breath / Breathe | Cremaschi, George | "Nearly Last Breath" f Ens u Elektr | Breath / Breathe | Delz, Christoph | "Die Atmer der Lydia" – Transkomposition f Orch op 5 1980 | Breath / Breathe | Dimov, Bojidar | "Hauch der Nymphe" f Shakuhachi/Fl 1975 | Breath / Breathe | Dimov, Bojidar | "Atemzüge" f 2 Fl/Ob/Klar 1994/5 | Breath / Breathe | Donatoni, Franco | "Atem" - Musiktheater 1985 | Breath / Breathe | Downes, David | "Painting with Breath" f SchlgzgEns | Breath / Breathe | Eagle, David | "Breath" f StrQu | Breath / Breathe | Ebenhöh, Horst | "Atemstücke" f Klar solo | Breath / Breathe | Eggert, Moritz | "Außer Atem" f BlockFl 1994 7' | Breath / Breathe | Eichenberger, Markus | "Atem-Werke"f Kl u Sax, daraus Nr 117 f Picc 1992 | Breath / Breathe | Erlandsson, Mats | "Hold Your Breath" f BlOrch 2009 5' | Breath / Breathe | Eysler, Edmund | "Ich fühle deinen Odem" - Lied | Breath / Breathe | Fineberg, Joshua | "Breathe" f Picc | Breath / Breathe | Francesconi, Luca | "Animus" f Pos u Elektr 1996 | Breath / Breathe | Gamstorp, Göran | "Breathings" f Orch UA 2010 40' | Breath / Breathe | Gerbic, Fran | "Wie ein Hauch" - Lied 1899 | Breath / Breathe | Gervasoni, Stefano | "Atemseile: Hommage à Schumann - Celan" f 3 Str und 3 Echo-Trios 1997 25' | Breath / Breathe | Ghirardi, Giuliano | "...quando manca il respiro" f Ens 1989 18' | Breath / Breathe | Globokar, Vinko | "Souffle" um 1974 | Breath / Breathe | Globokar, Vinko | "Atemstudie" f Ob solo 1971 10' | Breath / Breathe | Graben-Hoffmann, Gustav H | "Ich fühle deinen Odem" - Duett (Schaffi) op 39 | Breath / Breathe | Guy, Barry | "Breathing Earth" f V u Kb | Breath / Breathe | Guyonnet, Jacques | "Harmonique-Souffle" f KOrch 1979 | Breath / Breathe | Haas, Georg Friedrich | "...über den Atem, die Stille und die Zerbrechlichkeit" - Versuch f 7 BlechBl 1994 23' | Breath / Breathe | Hall, Neville | "Whispered by ther Perfumed Breath of Silence" f Ens 2001 | Breath / Breathe | Hanson, Sten | "Coucher et souffler" - Text-Laut-Musik 1968 |