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There are 216 entries for the theme Fabels / Parabels in the database.
Theme | Composer | Titel | Remarks | Fabels / Parabels | Albrecht, Konstantin | 3 F nach Krylow f MCh 1891 | Fabels / Parabels | Alkan, Chales V | "Le Festin d'Esope" - 25 Var über ein eigenes Thema f Kl | Fabels / Parabels | Asriel, Andre | "Sechs F nach Äsop" f Ch 1967 | Fabels / Parabels | Ayres, Richard | "The Cricket Recovers" – Opern-Fabel nach Tellegen UA 2011 70' | Fabels / Parabels | Bach, Joh Chr Fr | "Prokris und Cephalus" - Kant (J.E. Schlegel) 1788 | Fabels / Parabels | Bach, Joh Christian | "Cefalo e Pocri" - Kant f 3 S u Orch 1776 | Fabels / Parabels | Bach, Johann Ernst | "Sammlung auserlesener Fabeln" 1749 | Fabels / Parabels | Bäck, Sven-Erik | "Favola" f Klar, 4 Schlgzg, Kl 1962 15' | Fabels / Parabels | Bacon, Ernst Lecher | "Fables" (E. Bacon / J. Edmunds) f Erzähler u Orch 1956 | Fabels / Parabels | Barberis, Mansi | "6 Fabeln" f Kl 1949 | Fabels / Parabels | Barraud, Henri | "Huit chantefleurs" (Desnos) f S, T, Kl | Fabels / Parabels | Bause, Arndt | "Gesang der Grille" - Musikalische Fabel nach La Fontaine | Fabels / Parabels | Bayle, Francois | "Fabulae" f Tb 1990 | Fabels / Parabels | Bazin, Francois | "Le loup et l'agneau" (La Fontaine) f Ch 1860 | Fabels / Parabels | Beach, Amy Marcy | "A Thanksgiving Fable" – Lied (Herford) op 75,2 1914 | Fabels / Parabels | Benguerel, Xavier | "Set Faules" (La Fontaine) f Spr u KEns 1995; dss f Orch 1996 | Fabels / Parabels | Bingham, Judith | "Jakobsleiter" – Parabel f Orgel u Str 2007 | Fabels / Parabels | Blume, Joachim | "Parabel" (nach dem Dies irae) f Kl 1985 | Fabels / Parabels | Boccherini, Luigi | "Cefalo e Procri" - Ballett 1778 | Fabels / Parabels | Borris, Siegfried | "Tierfabeln" f Kl op 46,2 1949 | Fabels / Parabels | Brandmüller, Theo | "Cis-umsungend - 4 Klang-Fabeln" f Ch u Orgel 1995 21' | Fabels / Parabels | Brandmüller, Theo | "Ins Freie – 4 Klang-Fabeln" f Klar solo 2007 | Fabels / Parabels | Brenta, Gaston | "Le savetier et le fincanier" (Jean de la Fontaine) f B u Orch 1937 | Fabels / Parabels | Bridge, John Frederick | "The Frogs and the Ox" - Kant (Wensley) 1899 | Fabels / Parabels | Bridge, John Frederick | "The Spider and the Fly" - Kant (Wensley) 1902 | Fabels / Parabels | Brouwer, Leo | "Parabola del espiral eterno" f Git 18' | Fabels / Parabels | Brouwer, Leo | "Parabola" f 2 Git | Fabels / Parabels | Brusa, Elisabetta | "Favole" f Orch 1982/3 | Fabels / Parabels | Brusa, Elisabetta | "La Triade" – Sinf Dchtg (nach Äsop) f Orch 1994 14' | Fabels / Parabels | Buckley, Olivia (geb. Dussek) | "Esop's fables" 1847 | Fabels / Parabels | Callhoff, Herbert | 5 Lieder nach Äsop f G u Kl 1965 12' | Fabels / Parabels | Campo, Régis | "Fabel" f Kl u 11 Instr 1994 | Fabels / Parabels | Caplet, André | 3 Fables (La Fontaine) f G u Kl 1919 | Fabels / Parabels | Capuzzi, Giuseppe Antonio | "Cefalo e Procri" - Favola (Pepoli) 1792 | Fabels / Parabels | Carmano, Roberto | "Fábulas" f Ch 1970 | Fabels / Parabels | Carneyro, Cláudio | "Fábulas de Mimicha" f Kl 1933 | Fabels / Parabels | Casadesus, Francis | "Cigale et Magali" – Ouv f Orch | Fabels / Parabels | Castelnuovo Tedesco, Mario | "La Sirenette e il pesce turchini" f Kl 12' | Fabels / Parabels | Castiglioni, Niccolò | "Le favole di Esopo" (Phädrus) f Ch u Orch 1979 30' | Fabels / Parabels | Cerha, Friedrich | "Parabola I" f KlTrio UA 2008 | Fabels / Parabels | Chailley, Jacques | "Trois fables de mon jardin" (Duhamel) f Ch 1961 | Fabels / Parabels | Chevillard, Camille | "Le chène et le roseau" - Sinf Dchtg nach La Fontaine op 7 | Fabels / Parabels | Constantinescu, Paul | "Vier Fabeln" f Kl 1932, dss f Str (M. Moldovan) | Fabels / Parabels | Delage, Maurice | "Deux fables" (La Fontaine) f G u Kl/Orch 1931/48? | Fabels / Parabels | Dello Joio, Norman | "A fable" f Ch 1946 | Fabels / Parabels | Denéréaz, Alexandre | div Fabeln nach LaFontaine f KlTrio, u.a: "Le corbeau et le renard" | Fabels / Parabels | Dessy, Jean-Paul | "Fabel in einer Fabel" f Orch u Elektr 2004 | Fabels / Parabels | Detoni, Dubravko | "Fabel" f KEns | Fabels / Parabels | Dienscu, Violeta | "Isamel und Toravitu" f 2 Git 2002 | Fabels / Parabels | Dittrich, Paul-Heinz | "Fabeln und Parabeln zu singen mit den Schnabeln" f Ch 1957/64 |