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There are 441 entries for the theme Insects in the database.
Theme | Composer | Titel | Remarks | Insects | Agobet, Jean-Louis | "L'effet papillon" f Orch 13' | Insects | Aho, Kalevi | "Leben der Insekten" - Oper nach Capek 1985/7 | Insects | Aho, Kalevi | 7. Sinf "Insekten" f Orch 1988 | Insects | Ambros, August Wilhelm | "Libelle" - Konzert-Etüde f Kl op 1861 | Insects | Andrejew, Wassili | "Le Papillon" - Walzer f Orch | Insects | Arne, Thomas Augustin | "When the Bee Sacks" - Lied f Ch | Insects | Arnecke, Jörn | "Butterfly Blues" – Musiktheater (nach Mankell) f 4 St u KOrch UA 2005 | Insects | Ayres, Richard | "Die Grille" – Fantasie-Oper (Hirs) 61' | Insects | Bäck, Sven-Erik | "Die Hummel" (F. Isaksson) f Ch, Vc, Kl, Schlgzg 1968 | Insects | Ballereau, Igor | "Cent sales mouches" f Ens | Insects | Bankövi, Gyula | "Silberflügeliger Schmetterling" f Vc u Elektr | Insects | Barbier, Frédéric | "La Cigale et la fourmi" - Opérette bouffe (Eyraud) 1Akt 1862 | Insects | Barrios Mangoré, Agostin | "Las abejas" f Git | Insects | Bartay, Ede | "Grillen-Weise" - Csárdás f Kl 1853 | Insects | Bartók, Béla | "Aus dem Tagebuch einer Fliege" f Kl | Insects | Bartolomée, Pierre | "Envol et mort d'un papillon" – 2. StrQu 2010 | Insects | Bates, William | "The Butterfly" - Lied um 1775 | Insects | Baur, Jürg | "Zikaden" f Ob u Orch (2. Satz aus "Concerto romano") 1960 | Insects | Becker, Günther | "Aus Alpbachs Hain und Flur – Elektronische Studie über Geradflügler" (Grillen, Heuschrecken) 1978 9' | Insects | Bennett, Richard Rodney | "The Insect World" f Ch 1965 | Insects | Berkeley, Michael | "The Mayfly - Ballett f Kinder (Seymour) f Ens 1984 12' | Insects | Berners, Lord | "Dispute entre le papillon et le crapaud" f Kl um 1915 | Insects | Bizet, G | "Le Grillon" - Lied (Lamartine) 1866 | Insects | Bizet, G | "La coccinelle" - Lied | Insects | Bjelinski, Bruno | "Die Biene Maja" - MärchenOper (Koletic nach W. Bonsels) 1952 | Insects | Blaramberg, Pavel I | "Libellen" - Fantasie (A. Tolstoi) f MS, FCh, Orch 1879 | Insects | Bohm, Carl | "Papillon" – Capriccio f V u Orch | Insects | Bohm, Carl / Dressel, Erwin | "La mouche" - Capriccio f Orch 3' | Insects | Bolzoni, Giovanni | "Il grillo" - Scherzo f 4 MSt.n | Insects | Bolzoni, Giovanni | "Due farfalle intorno a un fiore" - Scherzo f Kl | Insects | Börtz, Daniel | "Nightflies" (T. Tranströmer) f MS u 6 Instr 1973 | Insects | Brailoiu, Constantin | "Carillon des abeilles" f Kl 1911 | Insects | Breiner, Peter | "Bremsen" – Musical (Stolicný , Strasser) 1982 | Insects | Bresgen, Cesar | "Papillons" - 8 Stücke f 2 V 1984 12' | Insects | Bresgen, Cesar | "Nino fliegt mit Nina" - Insekten-Komödie f Kinder 1953 | Insects | Bridge, Frank | "The Bee" (Tennyson) f Ch 1913 | Insects | Britten, Benjamin | "Two Insect Pieces" f Ob u Kl 1935 5' | Insects | Brüll, Ignaz | "An einen Schmetterling" - Lied (St. Lambert) f G u Kl op 19 | Insects | Bucalossi, Ernest | "The Grasshopper's Dance" f Orch 8' | Insects | Burgon, Geoffrey | "Fun in the Insect World" f Kl 1965 | Insects | Burkhard, Willy | "Die schwarze Spinne" – Suite f Orch op 80a | Insects | Campo, Régis | "Irrlichter-Grillen" f Kl 1994 | Insects | Campo, Régis | "Une puce j'ai dedans l'oreille" f VokEns UA 2010 | Insects | Campra, André | "Les papillons" - Cantate francoise f G u Instr 1728 | Insects | Caplet, André | "Papillons" - Lied f G u Kl/Orch (P Gravollet) 1902/3 | Insects | Capyrin, Dmitri | "As Butterflies in the Wind" f ASax u Harfe UA 2002 | Insects | Carraud, Michel-Gaston | "Papillons blancs" | Insects | Catán, Daniel | "Mariposa de obsidiana" (O. Paz) f S, Ch, Orch 1984 21' | Insects | Chaliasas, Iakobos | "Die Grille" (Elytis) f FCh 1979 | Insects | Chaminade, Cécile | "Les papillons" - Lied (Gautier) 1878 |