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There are 190 entries for the theme Ilness / Invalid - Cure / Remedy in the database.
Theme | Composer | Titel | Remarks | Ilness / Invalid - Cure / Remedy | Androsch, Peter | "Schreber" – Oper (F. Kaiser) 1997/8 100' | Ilness / Invalid - Cure / Remedy | Aperges, Georgios | "Quatre pi`ces fébriles" f Marimba u Kl 1995 | Ilness / Invalid - Cure / Remedy | Arnold, Juri Karlowitsch | "Der Invalide" - Operette 1852 | Ilness / Invalid - Cure / Remedy | Arnold, Samuel | "The Madman" - Afterpiece 1770 | Ilness / Invalid - Cure / Remedy | Astarita, Gennaro | "Il principe ipocondriaco" - Opera buffa (Bertati) 1774 | Ilness / Invalid - Cure / Remedy | Atanasov, Georgi (Maestro) | "Der kranke Lehrer" - Operette (N. Popov) 1910 | Ilness / Invalid - Cure / Remedy | Bach, Joh Seb | "Es ist nichts Gesundes an meinem Leibe"- Kant BWV 25 | Ilness / Invalid - Cure / Remedy | Baljozov, Rumen D | "Akupunktur" f 2 Kl 1987 | Ilness / Invalid - Cure / Remedy | Barnett, John Francis | "L'ipocondria" - Characteristic Symphonia 1839 | Ilness / Invalid - Cure / Remedy | Barraud, Henry | "Images pour un počte maudit" f kl Orch 1954 20' | Ilness / Invalid - Cure / Remedy | Barrett, Richard | "Wound" f Ens 6' | Ilness / Invalid - Cure / Remedy | Baudrier, Yves | FilmM zu "Les Maudits" 1947 | Ilness / Invalid - Cure / Remedy | Beethoven, L van | StrQu a-Moll op 132, 2. Satz | Ilness / Invalid - Cure / Remedy | Beinke, Eckart | "Das Verstecken von Krankheit" f Ens UA 1998 | Ilness / Invalid - Cure / Remedy | Bilodeau, Julien | "A coups" (Körperverletzung) f KEns UA 2004 | Ilness / Invalid - Cure / Remedy | Borboudakis, Minas | "Tetrapharmakos" – Konzert (nach Epikur) f V, Vc, Kl u Orch | Ilness / Invalid - Cure / Remedy | Boyce, William | "Lo, on the Thormy Bed of Care" - Ode to Charity (Cradock) 1774 | Ilness / Invalid - Cure / Remedy | Bozinov, Vasil | "Album aux compositeurs maudits" f Kl op 1 | Ilness / Invalid - Cure / Remedy | Braham, John | SchM zu "Zuma or The Tree of Health" (Dibdin) 1981 | Ilness / Invalid - Cure / Remedy | Bretón Hernández, Tomás | "En inválido" - Zarzuela (Navarro) 1875 | Ilness / Invalid - Cure / Remedy | Buini, Giuseppe Maria | "L'ipocondriaco" - Oper (Villafranca) 1718 | Ilness / Invalid - Cure / Remedy | Bulgakowa, Maria | "La fontana malata" f Ens 2002 10' | Ilness / Invalid - Cure / Remedy | Burlas, Martin | "Posttraumatisches Syndrom" f StrQu 2004 | Ilness / Invalid - Cure / Remedy | Burlas, Martin | "Panadol" f StrQu u Laptop 2006 | Ilness / Invalid - Cure / Remedy | Burlas, Martin | "Walzer für einen Hypochonder" f Kl 1977 | Ilness / Invalid - Cure / Remedy | Carter, Elliott | "Mad Regales" f VokEns UA 2008 | Ilness / Invalid - Cure / Remedy | Carter, Ryan | "Quirks and Pathologies" f ETns | Ilness / Invalid - Cure / Remedy | Cimarosa, Domenico | "Il morbo campano" - Dramma per musica 1782 | Ilness / Invalid - Cure / Remedy | Cimarosa, Domenico | "La finta ammalata" - Farsa per musica 1796 | Ilness / Invalid - Cure / Remedy | Cleary, Siobhán | "Diamorphine" f Ens u Tb | Ilness / Invalid - Cure / Remedy | Coburger, Christoph | "Metastas" f Orch | Ilness / Invalid - Cure / Remedy | Corcoran, Frank | "Mad Sweeney" f Ens | Ilness / Invalid - Cure / Remedy | Corigliano, John | Sinf Nr 1 "AIDS Symphony" | Ilness / Invalid - Cure / Remedy | Cowell, Henry | "Madman's Wisp" f Kl 1949 | Ilness / Invalid - Cure / Remedy | Davies, Peter Maxwell | "Eight Songs for a Mad King" (Stow) f Bar u 6 Instr 1969 | Ilness / Invalid - Cure / Remedy | Delgado, Alexandre | "O doido e a morte" (Death and madman) - KOper (Brandao) 1994 | Ilness / Invalid - Cure / Remedy | Delgado, Alexandre | "A Rainha Louca" – Ouv zur Oper "The Mad Queen" | Ilness / Invalid - Cure / Remedy | Demar, Johann Sebastan | "L'Hypocondriaque" f Orch | Ilness / Invalid - Cure / Remedy | DeMars, James | "The Seventh Healing Song of John Joseph" f Fl u Tb 1983 9' | Ilness / Invalid - Cure / Remedy | Dessoff, Felix Otto | "Das kranke Mädchen" - Lied (Reinick) | Ilness / Invalid - Cure / Remedy | Diago, Eduardo | "Diagnose: Manisch-Depressiv" f KEns | Ilness / Invalid - Cure / Remedy | Dorn, Heinrich | Ouv f Orch "zur Genesungsfeier des Königs" 1850 | Ilness / Invalid - Cure / Remedy | Dove, Jonathan | "On Spital Fields – Community Cantata" UA 2005 | Ilness / Invalid - Cure / Remedy | Eggert, Moritz | "Anna who was Mad" -7 Songs aus "Wide Unclasp" f FSt u Ens 29' | Ilness / Invalid - Cure / Remedy | Egressy, Béni | "Krankes Mädchen" f MCh | Ilness / Invalid - Cure / Remedy | Einödshofer, Julius | "Ein Invalide von Aspern" – Lebensbild (Ernst) 1884 1884 | Ilness / Invalid - Cure / Remedy | Eisler, Hanns | "Genesung" - Lied (Becher) 1957 | Ilness / Invalid - Cure / Remedy | Eliasson, Anders | "La fičvre" f BlQuint 1978 | Ilness / Invalid - Cure / Remedy | Eliasson, Anders | "Malaria" f Klar, Trp, Pos, Schlgzg, Kb 1978 | Ilness / Invalid - Cure / Remedy | Englander, Ludwig | "A Madcap Princess" - Musical Comedy (Smith) 1904 |