Results of searching for themes
There are 31 entries for the theme Melville, Hermann in the database.
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Theme | Composer | Titel | Remarks |
Melville, Hermann | Bacon, Ernst Lecher | "Billy in the Darbies" f Bar u Kl | |
Melville, Hermann | Britten, Benjamin | "Billy Bood" - Oper (Morgan Forster nach M.) op 50 1951 | |
Melville, Hermann | Colla, Alberto | "Passacaglia del leviatano - da Toamat a Moby Dick" f Orch 1998 17' | |
Melville, Hermann | Diamond, David | "Le Us All Teke to Singing" f MCh | |
Melville, Hermann | Floyd, Carlisle | "The Martyr" f Ch, Trp, Kl, Schlgzg 15' (A. Lincoln) | |
Melville, Hermann | Gentilucci, Armando | "Oltre il mare aperto" f S u Renaissance-Instr 1989 | |
Melville, Hermann | Gentilucci, Armando | "Moby Dick" - Musikalische Aktion 1986/8 | |
Melville, Hermann | Gentilucci, Armando | "In aque solitarie - Eine Randglosse zu Moby Dick" f Fl solo 1986 | |
Melville, Hermann | Genzmer, Harald | "Lieder der Nacht" (Hebbel, M.) f MCh 1963 | |
Melville, Hermann | Ghedini, Giorgio Federico | "Billy Budd" - BühnenOrat 1 Akt (S.Quasimodo nach M.) UA 1949 | |
Melville, Hermann | Ghedini, Giorgio Federico | "Concerto dell'Albatro" (mit Fragment aus "Moby Dick") f V, Vc, Spr u Orch 1945 28' | |
Melville, Hermann | Heggie, Jake | "Moby Dick" – Oper UA 2010 | |
Melville, Hermann | Herrmann, Bernard | "Moby Dick" - Kant f 2 T, Bar, B, MCh, Orch 1938 45' | |
Melville, Hermann | Jeney, Zoltán | "Monody" in mem I. Strawinsky f Ch 1974 | |
Melville, Hermann | Krenek, Ernst | "Mitternacht und Tag" - Kant in Kriegszeit f FCh u Orch op 95 1944/55 12' | |
Melville, Hermann | Krenek, Ernst | "The Belltower" - Op 1 Akt op 155 1955/6 | |
Melville, Hermann | Mailman, Martin | Musik zu dem Spiel "Moby Dick" (Orson Welles nach HM) f Ch u Ens op 35 | |
Melville, Hermann | Mennin, Peter | "Moby Dick" - Concertato f Orch 1952 11' | |
Melville, Hermann | Neuwirth, Olga | "Un posto nel acqua – Hommage à HM" f Ens UA 2009 | |
Melville, Hermann | Neuwirth, Olga | "Ishmaela's White World" f S, Ens, Zuspielklänge 2011/12 15' | |
Melville, Hermann | Niehaus, Manfred | "Bartleby" - FernsehOper nach M. 1961/5 | |
Melville, Hermann | Nono, Luigi | "Risonanze erranti" (HM, Bachmann) f MS, Ens, Live-Elektr 1986 | |
Melville, Hermann | Picker, Tobias | "The Encantadas" f Spr u Orch 1983 27' | |
Melville, Hermann | Plate, Anton | "The Sting" f S u KOrch 1982 15' | |
Melville, Hermann | Reynolds, Roger | "Masks" f Ch u Orch 1965 | |
Melville, Hermann | Reynolds, Roger | "Blind Men" f 24 St.n, 3 Trp, 2 Pos, BaßPos, Tuba, Schlgzg, Kl, Tb 1966 | |
Melville, Hermann | Rochberg, George | "The Confidence Man" – Oper nach HM 1982 | |
Melville, Hermann | Sainton, Philip | FilmM zu "Moby Dick" daraus Suite f Orch | |
Melville, Hermann | Sand, Axel | FilmM zu "Auf den Spuren des Moby Dick" 1990 40' | |
Melville, Hermann | Schweitzer, Benjamin | "Informationen über Bartleby" – KurzOper (Lange nach HM) f 4 Soli u Ens 2003 11' | |
Melville, Hermann | Sima, Libor | "AHAB – Vom ewigen Kreislauf des Lebens – Eine szenische Parabel" f 1 Schauspieler u Orch nach HM UA 2011 80' |
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