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There are 52 entries for the theme Pope in the database.
Theme | Composer | Titel | Remarks | Pope | Abejo, M. Rosalina | "Grand pontifical march for pope Paul VI." f Orch | Pope | Anzoletti, Marco | "Inno a Leone XIII." f Ch 1902 | Pope | Arnold, Gustav | "Leo-Hymne" f MCh op 20 1893 | Pope | Arnold, Gustav | "Èlection du Pàpe Jean-Paul II" f Kl 1978 | Pope | Capocci, Gaetano | "Cantata per Leone XIII." f B, Ch, Kl 1893 | Pope | Cardoso, Lindembergue | "Missa Joao Paulo II na Bahia" f Ch,Schlgzg, Orgel/Orch 1980 | Pope | Carlstedt, Jan | "Missa in honorem papae Ioanis Pauli II composita" f Ch op 46 1988 | Pope | Castellanos, Evencio | "Marcha pontifical" f Orch | Pope | Chailly, Luciano | "Missa Papae Pauli" f Ch u Orch 1966 | Pope | Farmer, Thomas | SchM zu "Caesar Brogia" (Lee) 1679 | Pope | Gillis, Don | "Thoughts Provoked on Becoming a Prospective Papa" - Suite f Orch 1937 | Pope | Goeyvaerts, Karel | Messe f Ch u Instr 1968 "für Papst Johannes Paul XXIII.) | Pope | Gounod, Charles | "Marche pontificale" f Orch (für Pius IX.) 1869 | Pope | Gounod, Charles | "Chantez, voix bénies" - Hymne (Gallet) zu Ehren on Pius IX. f G u Kl 1871 | Pope | Halffter, Ernesto | "Canticum in mem PP Johannem XIII" f S, B, Ch u Orch 1964 10' | Pope | Höffer, Paul | "Borgia" - Oper op 28 | Pope | Kempter, Karl | "Die päpstliche Hymne", arr f Kl | Pope | Kilar, Wojciech | "Fanfare zu Ehren von Papst Johannes Paul II. f Ch u Orch 1979 | Pope | Kilar, Wojciech | "Victoria" (Fragment eines Briefes von Jan III. Sobieski an Papst Innozenz XI.) f Ch u Orch 1983 | Pope | Klobucar, Andelko | "Papst-Messe" f Soli, Ch, BlOrch 18' | Pope | Kulakowski, Leszek: | "Missa misericordia" f 4 Soli, Ch, Orch UA 2008 60' (für Johannes Paul II.) | Pope | Landowski, Marcel | "Chant de paix" (Papst Johannes Paul II.) f S, Bar, KiCh, Bl, Schlgzg, Orgel /Synth 1985 30' | Pope | Lavallée, Calixa | "Marche funèbre, hommage à Pie IX" 1878 | Pope | Liszt, Franz | "Pro Papa" f Ch u Orgel 1880 | Pope | Liszt, Franz | "Der Papsthymnus" f Kl/Orch 1864 ; dss f Kl 4hdg 1865; dss f Orgel 1863/5/7 | Pope | Liszt, Franz | "Urbi et orbi – Bénediction papale" f Kl 1864 | Pope | Loewe, Carl | "Gregor auf dem Stein" – Legende (Kugler) f G u Kl op 38 1834 ca 15';dss f G, Orch u Ch ad lib von F. v Weingartner | Pope | Maliszewski, Witold | "Missa pontificalis papae Pius XI." f Soli,Ch, Orch op 28 1930 | Pope | Masek (Maschek), Václav | "Elegie auf den Tod seiner Heiligkeit Papst Pius des Sechsten" f G u Kl | Pope | Matton, Roger | "Tu es Petrus – Grande pontificale" f Orgel 1984 | Pope | Mazzocchi, Domenico | "Urbani Papae VIII poemata" f VokEns u Bc 1638 | Pope | Mercadante, Saverio | "Inno a Pio IX" (d'Arienzo) f Ch u Orch 1850 | Pope | Milhaud, Darius | SchM zu "Le chateau des Papes" (Richaud) f VokQu,2 Kl, Ondes Martenot op 120 1932 | Pope | Milhaud, Darius | "Pacem in terris" (Johannes Paul XXIII.) f Bar,Ch, Orch op 404 1963 45' | Pope | Orlinski, Heinz Bernhard | ""Urbi et orbi – Fantasia vaticana" f Orgel | Pope | Otano Eguino, Nemesio | "Hinno pontificio" f Ch u Orch | Pope | Pacini, Giovanni | "Cantata per solennizzare la visita del S.P. Pio IX all'Archiginnasio Bolognese" 1857 | Pope | Penderecki, K | "Ciaccona" f Str "in mem Giovanni Paolo II" 2005 6' | Pope | Ponchielli, Amilcare | "Per Papa Gregorio VII" – Kant (Bibel) f T,B, Ch, Orch op 13 1885 | Pope | Ravanello, Oreste | "Inno al pontefice" 1935 | Pope | Roldán Gardes, Amadeo | "Fanfarria para despertar a Papá Montero" f Orch 1931 | Pope | Rossini, G | "Il genio del cristianesimo" – Kant (Marchetti) f So-li, Ch, Orch 1847 (zu Ehren Pius IX.) | Pope | Sakellarides, Theophrastos | "Ich will den Papst sehen – Die Hochzeitsreise" – Operette 1920 | Pope | Schmitt, Florent | "Oremus pro Pontefice" f Ch u Orgel ad lib op 127 1952 | Pope | Seifen, Wolfgang | "Tu es Petrus – Missa solemnis" f Ch, Orch, Orgel (zum 80, Geburtstag v Benedikt XVI. 2007 | Pope | Simone, Roberto de | "Populorum progressio" - Cantata drammatica (Paul VI.) f Spr, Soli, Ch, Ens 1994 60' | Pope | Skroup, Jan Nepomuk | "Hymne zu Ehren des Heiligen Vaters Pius IX" 1859 | Pope | Skroup, Jan Nepomuk | "Papessa Joanna" – Suite f Orch Nr 2 44' | Pope | Tritto, Giacomo | "Componimento poetico" zum Amtsantritt Pius VI | Pope | Turnage, Mark-Anthony | "Three Screaming Popes" f Orch 1988/9 |