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There are 206 entries for the theme Plant / Vegetable in the database.
Theme | Composer | Titel | Remarks | Plant / Vegetable | Ambrosini, Claudio | "Erbario spontaneo veneziano" f V u Kl | Plant / Vegetable | Andain, Yveth | "Bulletproof Petals" f SaxQu 2008 | Plant / Vegetable | Andriessen, Louis | "Hout" (Holz)" f Video u Ens | Plant / Vegetable | Armstrong, Kit | "Who Stole my Wasabi?" f Vc u Kl 2008 | Plant / Vegetable | Baker, Richard | "Los rabanos" f Klar, V, Schlgzg 2000 | Plant / Vegetable | Barbier, René | "La chanson du houblon" (J. Tellier) f MCh op 53 1937 | Plant / Vegetable | Bárdos, Lajos | "Die Raute" f FCh 1941 | Plant / Vegetable | Bell, Daniel | "Grass" f S, Picc, Kl, Kb, Vibr | Plant / Vegetable | Berkeley, Michael | "Nettles" f S u Kl | Plant / Vegetable | Blumer, Theodor | "Vier Stücke aus dem Pflanzenreich" f Fl u Kl op 57b | Plant / Vegetable | Bond, Victoria | "Peculiar Plants" f Spr u Cemb 15' | Plant / Vegetable | Bowler, Laura | "Brugmansia" f Trp u Ens UA 2011 | Plant / Vegetable | Bryars, Gavin | "A la dolce ombra de le belle frondi" f Ch UA 2008 | Plant / Vegetable | Busch-Orphal, Ulrich | "Pflanzenschrift" f Kla,r, V, Vc, Kl 1985 30' | Plant / Vegetable | Cage, John | "Branches" f amplifiziertes Pflanzen-Material u andere spezifische Gegenstände 1976 | Plant / Vegetable | Castelnuovo-Tedesco, M | "Alghe" f Kl op 12 1919 5' | Plant / Vegetable | Castelnuovo-Tedesco, M | "Vitalba e Biancospino" f Kl op 21 1921 7' | Plant / Vegetable | Castérède, Jacques | "Le Lai de chevrefeuile" f Harfe, V, Ob,Schlgzg 1999 | Plant / Vegetable | Chemin-Petit, Hans | "Drei Hymnen" f G u Orch 1929 | Plant / Vegetable | Chen Yi | "Sprout" f Str 1986 | Plant / Vegetable | Christensen, Mogens | "Las flores del mar de la muerte" - Konzert f V u Orch Nr 2 1993 | Plant / Vegetable | Czernowien, Chaia | "Afatsim" f Ens 1996 (Galle, Planzen-Wucherung durch Parasitenbefall) | Plant / Vegetable | David, Félicien | "Le ramier" (Constantin) f G u Kl 1851 | Plant / Vegetable | Decoust, Michel | "Lierre" f Str 1986 15' | Plant / Vegetable | Denhoff, Michael | "Nachtschattengewächse" f Kl op 96 | Plant / Vegetable | Denissow, Edison W | "A Flore" - 3 Lieder nach Attila Josef f G u Kl 6' | Plant / Vegetable | Desportes, Yvonne | "L'herbier" f Orch 1974 | Plant / Vegetable | Diethelm, Caspar | "Dämmerklee" - 8 Lieder (Gwerder) f S u KOrch op 34 1960 | Plant / Vegetable | Donatoni, Franco | "Holly" f EnglHorn, Ob, Ob d'amore u 13 Instr 1990 11' | Plant / Vegetable | Dubugnon, Richard | "Ellébores" f StrQuint UA 2010 15' | Plant / Vegetable | Dvorácek, Jiri | "Ring aus Gras" – 4 Lieder f S u Kl | Plant / Vegetable | Echevarría López, Victorino | "La funete del avellano" - Zarzuela (Calvo / Munoz) | Plant / Vegetable | Englert, Giuseppe G | "Les avoines folles" f StrQu | Plant / Vegetable | Farkas, Ferenc | "Mistel" - 5 Lieder (Szabó) f MS u Kl/KOrch 1932 | Plant / Vegetable | Francais, Renaud | "Roseaux" f Fl u Str | Plant / Vegetable | Friedrichsohn, Gustav | "Kusamakura – Kopfkissen aus Gras f Ob, V, Va, Vc 2007! | Plant / Vegetable | Furer, Arthur | "Heiteres Herbarium" (Waggerl) f FCh u Kl 1954 | Plant / Vegetable | Glière, Reinhold | "Der rote Mohn" - Ballett op 76 1926/7 daraus Suite f Orch | Plant / Vegetable | Globokar, Vinko | "Kaktus unter Strom" f Ob, Horn, Kb, Realtime processing, Tb, 3 Tänzer 1999 | Plant / Vegetable | Gothams, Niks | "Heliotrope" f Ens | Plant / Vegetable | Grinberg, Alexander S | "Zimmerpflanze" f 6 Instr 1993 | Plant / Vegetable | Gubaidulina, Sofia | "Die Phazelie" - Liederzyklus (Prischwin)f S u Orch 1957 14' | Plant / Vegetable | Guo Zhiyuan | "Teeblätter pflücken" (Volkslied) f G u Kl 1974 | Plant / Vegetable | Guy, Barry | "Mobile Herbrarium" f 4 Sax 1994 | Plant / Vegetable | Haas, Georg Friedrich | "Zerstäubungsgewächse - Unveränderungen" f 8 Schlgzger u StrQu 1989 21' | Plant / Vegetable | Hakola, Kimmo | "Senfsamen" - KOper (Tuuri) 2000 | Plant / Vegetable | Hansen, Pauli | "Die Dunkelheit spricht zum blühenden Strauch" f Ch | Plant / Vegetable | Hartmann, J P E | "Efeu" (Langsted) f G u Kl 1896 | Plant / Vegetable | He Xuntian | "Zwei Erdzweige" f StrQu 1983 | Plant / Vegetable | Hegdal, Magne | "Herbarium" f Kl 1974 ;dss II f Kl |