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There are 97 entries for the theme Rainbow in the database.
Theme | Composer | Titel | Remarks | Rainbow | Anhalt, Istvan | "Arc-en-ciel" - Ballett f 2 Kl 1951 | Rainbow | Axman, Emil | "Der Regenbogen" - Liederzyklus f G u Orch 1921 | Rainbow | Bacri, Nicolas | "Regenbogen am Abend" – Kant Nr 5 (Artze) f MS, Ch u Orch op 77 2001/2 27' | Rainbow | Balassa, Sándor | "Iris" - Ballett | Rainbow | Bauersachs, Fred M | "Am Ende des Regensbogens" - Konzertarie f S, Fl u StrOrch op 37 1979 12' | Rainbow | Bedford, David | "Sun Paints Rainbows On the Vast Waves" f BlEns 1984 | Rainbow | Bertram, Hans Georg | "Regenbogen" - Konzert f Vibr u KOrch 1987 14' | Rainbow | Bousch, Francois | "Arc en ciel" f Orch 1995 | Rainbow | Burkhard, Paul | "Regenbogen" - Musikal. Komödie (Longard) 1977 | Rainbow | Canat de Chizy, Édith | "Irisations" f V solo 1999 | Rainbow | Corghi, Azio | "Arc-en-ciel" f 2 V u Va 1973 10' | Rainbow | Danielpour, Richard | "The Night Rainbow" f Orch | Rainbow | Danner, Wilfried Maria | "Les couleurs de l'arc-en-ciel – Imaginäres Requiem" f Orgel, Tanz, Licht-Design, Tb, LiveElektr UA 2007 | Rainbow | Davies, Peter Maxwell | "The Rainbow" – Musiktheater f Kinder 1981 | Rainbow | Dumitrescu, Iancu | "Arc-en-ciel" f V u Va | Rainbow | Dumitrescu, Iancu | "Arc-en-ciel" – 4. StrQu | Rainbow | Fedele, Ivan | "Arc-en-ciel" f Vc solo | Rainbow | Fleming, Robert J B | "The Colours of the Rainbow" f BlQu, StrQu, Harfe 1962 | Rainbow | Gaussin, Allain | "Irisation - Rituel" f S, Fl, Orch | Rainbow | Gershwin, George | "The Rainbow" - Revue 1923 | Rainbow | Gilbert, Anthony | "On Beholding a Rainbow" - Konzert f V u Orch 1998 | Rainbow | Gorlt, Erhard | "Rainbow Corner" - Bounce op 59 | Rainbow | Groven, Eivind | "Regenbogen" f 2 Hardangerfideln 1962 | Rainbow | Hamlisch, Marvin | "Roses and Rainbows" - Song | Rainbow | Hector, Fred | "Regenbogenwalzer" f AkkOrch 1976 | Rainbow | Herrmann, Torsten | "Rainbow Tables" f 2 Kl u Ens 2011 10' | Rainbow | Hidas, Frigyes | "Concerto auf die Farben des Regenbogens" – Ballett I 1960 | Rainbow | Hiroashi, Hirokasu | "A Rainbow In a Mirror" f Kl | Rainbow | Hovland, Egil | "Regentropfen-Etüde" f Kl | Rainbow | Howard, Brian | "The Rainbow Serpent" - Ballet f Orch 1982 | Rainbow | Ikebe, Shinichiro | "On the Other Side of Rain" f SchlgzgEns | Rainbow | Ivanovs, Janis | "Regenbogen" - Sinf Dchtg f Orch 1939 | Rainbow | Ives, Charles | "The Rainbow" - Lied (Worsdworth) 1921 ; dss f KOrch 1914 2' | Rainbow | Jirák, Karel Bohuslav | "Der Regenbogen" - 6 Lieder (Chalupa) f MS u Kl/KOrch op 29 1926/39 | Rainbow | Kahlenbach, Hermann | "Regenbogen-Ouv" f BlOrch 1979 6' | Rainbow | Kim, Ki-su | "Im Sprühregen" f koreanisches Ens 1941 | Rainbow | Komorous, Rudolf | "Nocturne for Winds (The Rainbow of Forgetting)" f 7 HolzBl 1986 | Rainbow | Komorous, Rudolf | "Listening to the Rain" f Tb 1986 | Rainbow | Koszewiski, Andrzej | "Regenbogentropfen" (Ratzajczak) f KiCh/FCh 1988 | Rainbow | Krzanowski, Andrzej | "Wo der Regenbogen endet" f BKlar u Schlgzg 1985 | Rainbow | Lawall, Georg | "Rainbowhearing" f BlOrch op 65 27' | Rainbow | Lee, Myung Sun | "Landregen" f StrQuint UA 1998 | Rainbow | Ligeti, György | "Arc-en-ciel" - Etude Nr 5 f Kl 1985 | Rainbow | Ligeti, György | "Arc-en-ciel" - Etude Nr 5 f Kl, arr f Ens v Hans Abrahamsen UA 2012 | Rainbow | Liszt, Franz | "Feux follets" f Kl | Rainbow | Lorentzen, Bent | "Regenbogen" f Trommel u Orch 1991/6 | Rainbow | Machajdik, Peter | "Again so Close to the Rainbow" f StrQu 2003/4 14' | Rainbow | Marbe, Myriam | "Arc-en-ciel" f BlockFl, Fl u Schlgzg 1997 | Rainbow | Martin, Anne | "Les sept moments de l'arc-en-ciel" f Ens 2008 | Rainbow | Martin, Philip | "The Rainbow Comes and Goes´" f Kl 1987 |