Results of searching for themes
There are 5 entries for the theme Injustice in the database.
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Theme | Composer | Titel | Remarks | Injustice | Erlanger, Camille | "Forfaiture" - Comédie musicale (Milliet/de Lorde) UA 1921 | Injustice | Ferrari, Luc | "J'ai tort, j'ai tort, j'ai mon trčs grand tort" f Ch 1970 | Injustice | Perto, Giacomo | Sinfonie in D "L'inganno scaperto per vendetta" f Trp, Str, Bc | Injustice | Rossini, G | "L'inganno felice" (Der geglückte Betrug) - Opera buffa (G. Foppa) UA 1812 | Injustice | Zimmermann, B A | "Ich wandte mich und sah an alles Unrecht unter der Sonne" – Ekklesiastische Aktion (Bibel, Dostojewski) f 2 Spr, B, Orch 1970 |
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