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There are 69 entries for the theme Accident / Chance in the database.
Theme | Composer | Titel | Remarks | Accident / Chance | Arnecke, Jörn | "Alea/Talea" – KlTrio Nr 1 2005/6 | Accident / Chance | Asuar Puiggros, José Vicente | "Estudio aleatorio" f Tb 1962 | Accident / Chance | Barraqué, Jean | " delá du hasard" (nach H.Broch) f KEns u VokEns 1959 42' | Accident / Chance | Bartling, Stefan | "Würfelmechanik" f 4 Schlgzger | Accident / Chance | Bergamo, Petar | "Zufall" (N. Gostovic) f G u Kl 1955 | Accident / Chance | Blackburn, Philip | "Scratch I-Ching" f Ens 8' | Accident / Chance | Cagnoni, Antonio | "La tombola" - Commedia lirica (Piave) 1868 | Accident / Chance | Cho, Eun-Hwa | "Natur und Mensch und Zufall" f Trp, Pos, Schlgzg, Kl (nach Skulput von Kwang-Woo Kim) 2002 | Accident / Chance | Darbellay, Jean-Luc | "Alea" - Konzert f V u KOrch UA 2003 | Accident / Chance | Etkin, Mariano | "Quinteto aleatorio" f BlInstr 1961 | Accident / Chance | Evangelisti, Franco | "Random or not random" f Orch 1956/62 11' | Accident / Chance | Evangelisti, Franco | "Aleatorio" f StrQu 1959 | Accident / Chance | Flender, Reinhard David | "Alea jacta est" f Kl 1977 | Accident / Chance | Framery, Nicolas Etienne | "La sorcière par hasard" - Opéra comique 1768 | Accident / Chance | Fribec, Kresimir | "Musica aleatorica" f Fl, Vc, Vibr, Kl 1961 | Accident / Chance | Fribec, Kresimir | "Aleatorisches StrQu" vor 1970 | Accident / Chance | Frondoni, Angelo | "Un terno al lotto" – Farsa (Cambiaggio) 1835 | Accident / Chance | Gasser, Ulrich | "Von der unerbittlichen Zufälligkeit des Todes" - Szen. Orat f 12 Soli, 8 Fl, 6 Klangsteine 1993/5 | Accident / Chance | Gaveaux, Pierre | "Tout par hasard" - Opéra comique (Monnet?) 1796 | Accident / Chance | Giannotti, Stefano | "Il tempo cambia - 32 I-Ging-Miniaturen" - Hörspiel 1997/2001 56' | Accident / Chance | Gilbert, Jean | "Dorine und der Zufall" - Lustspiel (Grünbaum, Sterk) 1922 | Accident / Chance | Gombau Guerra, Gerardo | "Alea 68" f Ens u Elektr 1968 | Accident / Chance | Gregora, Frantisek | "Zufall" f Ch | Accident / Chance | Hallgrimsson, Haflidi | "Die Wält der Zwischenfälle" – Musiktheater UA 2004 | Accident / Chance | Haußmann, Karin | "Ein Ort für Zufälle" f S, Akk, Fl, Schlgzg 1997 11' | Accident / Chance | Isouard, Nicolas | "Le billet de loterie" - Opéra comique (de Lesser/Roger) 1811 | Accident / Chance | Janárceková, Viera | "Fünf Zufälle" f Ob, Vc, Kl | Accident / Chance | Jörns, Helge | "Spiel von Liebe und Zufall" - Oper UA 1993 | Accident / Chance | Kasemets, Udo | "Portrait - Music of the Twelfe Moons of the I Ching" f Ens 1988 | Accident / Chance | Kasemets, Udo | "The Eight Houses of the I Ching" f StrQu 1990 | Accident / Chance | Knaifel, Alexander A | "Slutschainoje" (T. Sliwjak) f KnS, Ch, Orgel, StrOrch 1982 90' | Accident / Chance | Kühnl, Claus | "Wurzeln des Zufalls" f Kl 1993 15' | Accident / Chance | Levinas, Michael | "Trois Chansons pour la Loterie Pierrot et Jean la Grèle" f VokEns 20' | Accident / Chance | Lichtenstein, Karl August v | "Glück und Zufall" – Kom Oper 1793 | Accident / Chance | Lindenberg, Jürg | "Der Alea-Rhetoriker" f Git | Accident / Chance | Marti, Cécile | "Würfel" f Ens | Accident / Chance | Méfano, Paul | "As You Like It?" - Aleatorisches Stück f variables Ens 1972 10-20' | Accident / Chance | Mellnäs, Arne | "Tombola" f Ens 1963 | Accident / Chance | Mestres Quadreny, Josep Maria | "L'estro aleatorio" – 6 Konzerte f Orch 1973 | Accident / Chance | Miereanu, Costin | "Le temps hasardeux" f Ch 1986 | Accident / Chance | Milhaud, Darius | "Cocktail – Musique de hasard" (Larsen) f G u 3 Klar op 69 1920 | Accident / Chance | Moniuszko, Stanislaw | "Lotterie" – Oper (Milewski) 1840 | Accident / Chance | Mozart, W. A | "Musikalisches Würfelspiel" 1787 | Accident / Chance | Muench, Gerhart | "Alea" f Kl 1964 | Accident / Chance | Nelson, Rudolf | "Tombola" – Revue (Hollaener, Zerlett, Roter, Molnar, Winterfeld) 1929 | Accident / Chance | Neuwirth, Olga | "...ce qui arrive..." – Musiktheater mit P. Auster UA 2005 (Zufall und Künstlertum) | Accident / Chance | Noergard, Per | "I Ching" f Schlgzg 1982 25' | Accident / Chance | Pauly, Mauricio | "Clinamen, clinamen clinamen" f V, Vc Mand, Git 2008/10 15' | Accident / Chance | Pentland, Barbara | "Trio con alea" f V, Va, Vc 1966 | Accident / Chance | Pflüger, Andreas | "Alea - Würfelspiel" f 5 Vc 2001 |